Creating Beauty with Wholesale Crystal Beads

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    Sep 03, 2013
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Dragonfly earrings
Dragonfly earrings
Photo by GreenLakeBlue Photography

What is about a nice piece of jewelry that attracts people? Jewelry has been worn by both men and women for a long time. Apart from being a symbol of social status, jewelries do give a major boost to the overall appearance. A single bracelet or a pendant could get you a lot of compliments and you will end up feeling good all day long. No matter where you go, there is a piece of jewelry to make every occasion special. With lot of options available, one needs to explore the choices and then make a wise decision on what to buy and where to buy it. Since jewelry business is a lot of money, it is an individual’s responsibility to choose a proper seller if you do not want to end up wearing a stone made of glass for a pendant.

Jewelry Making
Jewelry making is quite popular among women. You can create simple designs sitting in your living room. With a basic knowledge and a lot of practice, you will soon be on your way creating beautiful jewelry. Many people, both men and women, start this as a hobby making beaded jewelry for fun and eventually get really good at it. A little imagination, good perception of color and innovation will take you places in jewelry making. If you want to start with making beaded jewelry, find a store that sells wholesale beads. When you buy it in bulk, pick beads in different colors and shapes. That way you will have a lot of options to work with.

Trendy Crystal Jewelry
When you say the word ‘crystal’ a sparkling, glittery stone crosses your mind. Jewelry made of crystal beads is widely popular.  Crystal jewelry is basically made from naturally obtained quartz crystal.  The sparkling beauty of clear crystal that is naturally found undergoes some changes with regard to color and finish. It is then cut to various sizes. The cutting process alone takes years to master. These crystal beads range from light to darker shades. Some crystals do have a beautiful Aurora Borealis finish, which is a perfect fusion of rainbow colors. Crystal pendants play a very important role especially as bridal jewelry which comes in attractive and brilliant colors.

Buying it Right
Whether you are buying wholesale beads and or single crystals for making your own ornaments, make sure you are getting the best product for your money. The key to identifying a fake crystal from a real crystal is to hold it into sunlight. The real crystal sparkles much cleaner when compared to a dummy version. A real crystal will be bubble and scratches free. Also a real piece will have angles symmetrical to each other and vertical lines.

Author's Profile

Jewelry made of Crystal Beads is widely popular. gemmall has crystal beads in more than 100 colors and more than 50 shapes. to view crystal beads collection visit

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