Effective Brand Positioning and Brand Audience Growth Strategies

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    Nov 28, 2013
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Effective Brand Positioning and Brand Audience Growth Strategies Photo by Glen Campbel

Glen Campbell founder and Director of brandheart.com.au, a portal specializing in effective brand positioning and brand audience growth strategies conducted a seminar on Sunday morning at Sydney.

The hall was completely full and most of the audience consisted of sales department staff from local TV and Newspaper channels which was not really surprising considering that the seminar was aimed specifically at media personnel. A short survey conducted after the seminar indicated that 96.4% fully understood the issues pertaining to effective Corporate branding and brand audience growth strategies and were eager to implement them immediately. About 48% were keen to have Brandheart onboard to help them with their brand positioning and growth strategies. For Brandheart, it was a strategic success.

Glen Campbell started off the seminar by asking a question - "what do you sell or provide that your competitor doesn't with respect to what the customer wants?" Confusion followed the question as the audience began thinking about their product. Mr. Campbell asked the audience to concentrate on the USP (unique selling proposition) for their Brand Strategy Coaching. He emphasized the word unique and further explained that it needs to be something tangible as in lower cost or more exposure or more space or higher quality (as in HD broadcast) and so on and again repeated the question.

Continuing with the seminar on effective Business coaching Sydney and brand audience growth strategies, he urged the audience to use the pencil and pad provided to map out everything the consumer wanted with respect to the product or service - every little detail and then draw a large circle around it.

Then Mr. Campbell asked the audience to map out all the benefits that their competitors provided and draw a circle around it. Finally, he requested the audience to map out the benefits that their own product or services provided and again draw a large circle around it.

One member of the audience asked what the exercise had to do with effective Branding Strategy Coaching and brand audience growth strategies. Mr. Campbell called for patience and said all would be revealed shortly. He asked the audience to list out common elements between what the customers wanted and what their brand provided. This he said was the USP of their Brand building strategy. Common elements between the competitor's product and customer expectations were the competitor's USP. And then he asked the audience to make a third list in which the competitors' elements matched the elements of their own product or service and also matched the elements or expectations of the customers.

Mr. Campbell explained that once businesses understood the correlation between these lists, understanding effective Branding strategy became easier as also creating brand audience growth strategies.

Author's Profile

In 2010 Glen developed ‘The Brandheart Method’ for both personal branding and corporate branding to provide a more valuable alternativeClick Here For More Information : Corporate branding And Brand Strategy Coaching

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