Benefits Of Social Networking Sites

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    Dec 08, 2012
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These days, having a social media account is almost mandatory. Instagram is one of the new social networking applications for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android that allows users to upload and share photos across social networks or within the Instagram community. In order to get Instagram followers, you can take the following steps.

1. Announce your Instagram presence by using current channels like your email list, newsletters, your Facebook or Twitter account, website and signage. Explain to your audience what Instagram is and then encourage them to follow you. Linking your Instagram account to various social networks gives you a great opportunity to promote your photos and get more people to follow you.

2. Upload the best photos - In order to get Instagram followers, you should upload the best photos you have because they are more likely to attract followers. As you do this, make sure that you do not upload too many of them since people may miss them. It is advisable to upload only three to four photos at a time.

3. Have a general content plan that will help you come up with consistent Instagram feed. Note that even though you have great photos to share, you may lose track of the content in your account and it may grow stale. If you do not manage your Instagram account properly, you can hurt the overall message of your brand. You can assign someone who is experienced in community management or someone who understands photography to help you manage your account.

4. Use hashtags that are relevant to the photos you post. Such hashtags will help you attract users who are searching for various types of photos or subjects. For example, if you take a photo of the golden gate bridge, include #San Francisco or #Golden Gate Bridge in the description so that users who are searching for photos taken in San Francisco will easily find your picture. You should also search for hashtags that are related to your brand such as #design, #fashion and #beauty.

5. Geotag your photos because people are always interested in viewing photos from areas they know. When you post photos that are geotagged, Instagram also brings up other photos taken at the same location. In this way, Instagram users who are posting photos from your location may see your photos and follow them to your profile.

6. Buy Instagram followers - This is another great way to get followers and there are many benefits of doing this. One benefit of buying Instagram followers is that you can expose your services and products better. You will also be able to gain real followers who will help your business flourish. Buying Instagram followers is much cheaper than other methods of advertising such as using billboards, television commercials and print media. When you buy Instagram followers, you will increase your business's popularity and increase your profits.

7. Follow other users and complement them - You can increase your Instagram followers by spreading goodwill feelings. Make sure that you follow them sincerely since this will increase the chances that other users will follow you back.

8. Run a contest - You can run a competition or contest that allows Instagram users to win prizes when they follow you. Make sure that you come up with a well thought out plan as to how you will select and contact winners.

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