A Comprehensive Guide in Growing An Olive Tree

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    Jun 25, 2014
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A Comprehensive Guide in Growing An Olive Tree Photo by Alma Philips

The olive tree, Olea europaea is immediately recognizable as the quintessential Mediterranean tree and stands as the archetypal sentinel of warm, sunny climes. It truly is then maybe surprising that the olive tree is an adaptable and hardy plant appropriate for growing in a broad range of climates. In Great Britain, olive trees perform well in the milder microclimates which to generalise, are southern and western regions, coastal areas and urban places.
Sun, Water, and Soil
Place your Olive tree preferably in a full sunlight but partial shade also can be tolerated. Water it regularly but sparingly during growing season but don't overwater, Olives are pretty drought tolerant plants. There's normally no need to water Olive trees during the wintertime, just make sure that the root ball doesn't dry out. Protect from excess water during the winter period by covering the bud or plant. The earth must be well-drained, productive, and loam-established. Also, repotting must be done every two to three years.

Winter Care
If you reside in zone 7 or lower, bring your tree in for the winter. Leave it in a cool room, away from a heater or furnace, near a south or west facing window. Olives are wind pollinated, and generally self-productive. However, you'll get better fruit production if you have more than one tree. Make sure you either choose two of exactly the same variety, or if you're deciding distinct varieties, a couple of trees that blossom at once. Additionally, fruiting olives need two months of winter temperatures below 50F and above 22F, so intend to move your tree inside at a tactical time so that they can get the cold weather they need without being damaged by temperatures that are too low. Obviously, in case you have picked a fruitless assortment, you're going to be just fine with only one tree (or as many as you'd like) and virtually any kind of winter conditions above freezing.

Olive trees may be pruned to the desired contour. Some people prefer a tree sort; others like a round shrub as is done in production groves to facilitate picking of the fruit. Pruning between mid-February and the ripening of fruit in the autumn, except for the lightest tipping of new shoots, can result in a reduced harvest the next season. Otherwise, prune to the desired shape. Keep in mind that olives bear their fruit on the previous year's new growth.

The only pest most balcony or veranda olive growers should be worried about is scale, which isn't difficult to treat with insecticidal soap or BioNeem. Spray the entire tree according to the package instructions. If your tree is indoors, make sure to choose an insecticidal soap approved for indoor use. Watch attentively for ants and scale, as indoor olives tend to be susceptible to scale. Spraying it occasionally with a misting squirt bottle can be helpful, particularly in dry, warmed, winter residences. Water thoroughly when soil will not feel damp to the touch.

Author's Profile

Alma Phillips has been writing professionally for six years and has been published on Associated Content. She is also a freelance web developer and designer with extensive experience in digital video, book publishing and graphic design. Phillips enjoys growing olive trees and creating articles for people who want to buy olive trees.

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