How To Maintain Water Tanks And Reservoirs?

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    Aug 05, 2014
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How To Maintain Water Tanks And Reservoirs? Photo by Brayden Duigan

It is a real challenge of containment system engineers to maintain water because water tanks are quite erratic in holding water. One time it seems working fine, the next, the leak from water tank creates a shallow lake. It is a difficult job to predict for a healthy water rank or reservoir when it goes bad. Another problem is, private users who don't schedule regular inspection and maintenance risk of turning water into a surprise suffering.

A tank is not a problem until it creates a problem, so it is better to go for regular maintenance. This is why most of the houses install top quality water tanks in Melbourne and go for annual maintenance. It is less expensive to maintain a water tank than repair or replace it.

What type of tanks are best?

There are principally three types of tanks are available in the market: fiberglass, steel and concrete. Each one has its own pros and cons. Water containment engineers suggest for periodic inspection so that they can last for decades without suffering from mishaps.

The inspection schedules may vary from tank to tank, but it is suggested to follow the manufacturer's recommendation, and hire professionals to find if any problem arises in your water tank because even a tiny spot of problem could grow into a big sore in no time.

There are many companies in Melbourne that offer tank testing services. These companies do comprehensive checks on water tanks to find any structural problem whether underground or above. If any problem arises, it is utmost necessary to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Steel tanks are really durable if these are maintained properly, working smoothly for decades. Steel tanks are expensive but definitely super strong, even class 5 tornado can't rip it off, can barely shudder. There are fiberglass tank are light and generally used in homes. These are less robust than steel and inexpensive than steel. Concrete tanks are solid and sturdy, but to development of these tanks is time consuming and costly. Also, if it is not properly made and maintained, water leaks down from the tank.

Things to consider before buying a water tank

• The significance of rainwater tanks in Melbourne is high because mostly people have lots of space in their backyards. So, it is important to install a rainwater tank for greater sustainable living. Before installing, you can check the size, shape and volumes that suits your space. Do not buy a huge tank that misfits your place. Rainwater storing a technical process so you need to take a professional help to keep it sturdy. If you have less space, it's better to install oval and rectangular shaped water tanks.
• Before buying, you need to find a suitable pumping system to pump the water through pipes. If you want to purify your water for drinking purpose, you need to install a purifier attached to your tank.
• Install tank in a clear space devoid of any chemical or harmful materials that could be mixed with the water and make it poisonous.
• If you don’t have enough space, you can opt for underground tanks that are ideal for small houses.

Author's Profile

Brayden Duigan is a professional water containment engineering working independently for many organisations, giving consultation for water tanks in Melbourne. He has also written many articles online on water tanks and water containment engineering.

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