The History of Zimmermann Swimwear

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    Jan 10, 2013
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Based in Australia, Zimmermann Swimwear is the brainchild of Simone and Nicky Zimmermann. They started the line in 1991 and opened their first public store in 1992 in Sydney. Nicky is a fashion degree major and Simone comes from a marketing background, giving them the power to create a successful business full of fashionable swimwear items and more. The company had a slow start and even though some people knew about Zimmerman swimwear, it wasn't until a fashion show in 1996 when the brand really got exposed and took off.

Women love Zimmerman swimwear because it is designer style with fashionable options and reasonable pricing. The owners of the company set out to create a new line of swimwear that was different from anything out there and still provide an affordable option for people who wanted designer options. Zimmermann swimwear is now available around the world on their website and through other retailers that sell the brand, giving people the chance to get stylish swimwear from Australia no matter where in the world they might be.

Zimmermann swimwear has won awards for its fashions and provided women with a lot of cutting edge designs that are hot in the market right now. To date, the company has built 15 stores across Australia. They are also carried in big-name designer stores in other countries such as the U.S.'s Neiman Marcus and the UK's Harvey Nichols. The sisters just recently opened a store in Los Angeles, giving them a U.S. presence for Zimmerman swimwear in a boutique neighborhood where high fashion and designer labels are the only way to go. This brand is growing in popularity with each passing day, giving it the power to become successful.

Zimmerman swimwear is different than anything else that is on the market today. Nicky is responsible for the creative designs and style of the different pieces that they create, while Simone makes sure that everything about the business goes off without a hitch. These sisters have a commitment to quality, fashionable designer swimwear, which is what makes them so popular with the ladies in Australia and around the world. Zimmermann swimwear products are easy to find and you can even start your shopping online to get ahead of the game. That way, you know what you're going to buy and how much you have to spend to get a quality designer swimsuit for your next summer vacation or trip to the pool.

Author's Profile

Robert Henson is a freelance writer who scours the Internet, searching for the best products and services to share online. For more specific details or information about Zimmerman swimwear, visit today - find Zimmermann swimwear and other designer bathing suits offered by Nic Del Mar.

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