Reasons behind the Introduction of the Carbon Credits Scheme

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    Nov 15, 2012
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For a long time, there have been lots of concerns about environmental degradation occasioned by the human activities. For a long time too, there have been endless arguments regarding the courses of the environmental changes that are affecting the earth. This has led to conflicts especially between the industrialized and less industrialized economies with the most industrialized being blamed for the mayhem.

In an effort to come to some consensus on how to handle the matter and reduce carbon emission, there are agreements that have been reached following a host of discussions involving all the stake holders. Out of these discussions, the main objective has been to find a way of reaching an amicable solution that can help curb the rate of carbon emission without creating new conflicts between the more developed and the less developed economies that do not emit as much carbon.

After having identified human activities as the main culprit, the carbon credits scheme was crafted to help appease the less industrious nations that feel they are victims of the activities of their more industrialized counterparts. The theme of this agreement is to try and calculate the amount of carbon emission by any nation with the aim of finding out whether they exceed the recommendation.

This has been designed to go in line with the continued campaign to revert to renewable green energy. Countries are encouraged to opt for greener energy sources such as solar and wind power for their energy needs. This is targeted at reducing the harmful effects of pollution from fossil fuels and other carbon emitting forms of energy.

The formula is to ensure that the countries that do not pollute the environment through the use of harmful energy are given some incentives to continue doing so. Those still involved in industrial activities that are responsible for the pollution that is causing negative effects to the environment are in turn penalized by being fined amounts that are supposed to be used to compensate the less pollutant ones.

Since the greatest reason why many countries will not stop polluting is industrialization, the world has come to agree that they should pay for the damages that their activities cause to the earth. It is snow upon them to calculate the benefits they get out of the harmful industrial activities that they take part in against the fines they will have to pay in the form of carbon credits.

Because everyone has a right to enjoy a cool and tranquil environment, all those who do not emit harmful carbons due to industrial activities are encouraged not to join the pollutants out of a need to compete in the industrial front. This is important because everyone would be tempted to overlook the clarion call to reduce the pollution especially if they feel that their industrialized counterparts are taking advantage of their situation to develop at their expense.

The amounts of money paid as carbon credits to less polluting countries should be aimed at encouraging them to continue in the same spirit. Something needs to be cleared by the way. This is the misconception that the carbon credits incentives are aimed at reducing industrialization by less developed states while encouraging the same among those already developed and who can afford to pay.

In reality, it is an effort to ensure everyone including the industrialized countries should start using renewable and green energy. This is the only way we all can contribute in restoring the situation of out motherland. If you do not embrace these new trends, you are likely to end up with a more dangerous planet in a few years to come.

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