How To Choose Environment Friendly Properties In Mumbai ?

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    Apr 06, 2014
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How To Choose Environment Friendly Properties In Mumbai ? Photo by Umov  Mehta

The drastic change in climate, pollution, urbanization and the alarming rate of population increase has made people adopt Eco-friendly solutions to protect the environment. From simple electronic devices to high-end vehicles, people are now more eager to substitute non-renewable energy with natural resources. Over the years, the demand for Eco-friendly homes has increased as well, especially in cities like Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai. Though the commercial property in Mumbai is far ahead when it comes to adopting Eco-friendly solutions, the residential sector has seen a slow but steady increase in demand, over the past few decades.

Many project developers understand the importance of the environment and concentrate on building homes that support the environment. However, the concept of green homes is still not well understood by most builders. Many new upcoming projects in Mumbai bear the title 'Green' and 'Eco-friendly', simply because the buildings include gardens or have green lawns. Instead of being environmental friendly, these buildings end up wasting more resources as the plants in these properties require more maintenance and water, compared to their native species. To confer the title 'Green building' or 'Eco-friendly homes', the developers have to follow several parameters that begin from the first day of site planning and construction.

The design of the building itself should be environment friendly. Built from toxic-free materials, the building should have an Eco-friendly design that optimizes the available resources, and reduces the need for conventional energy. The building should be constructed, while preserving the soil and the surrounding landscape. A water harvesting plan along with a waste water management system should be introduced. Implementation of renewable energy, water heating systems, proper ventilation, management of lighting and electricity, and other relevant features should also be introduced on new properties for sale. Only when all these measures are implemented, a building falls under the category of environment friendly.

While investing in green homes, its necessary to check the ratings certified by authorized agencies. IGBC and LEED are two important certifications that assure the green homes you choose meet all the recommended criteria. While Eco-friendly homes are priced slightly higher than regular homes, the environment impact and the savings you earn in future are comparatively more. A green home lowers energy consumption by 30-50%, and it saves water by about 30-70%. Moreover, the design of the building will also save on heating and air-conditioning costs. Thus, if we make a rational account of the amount of money we save, we would realize that owning a green home is a profitable investment for the future. With many private and public banks offering special interest rates and offers on loans for green homes, it is time for you to consider green properties in Mumbai as an investment.

Author's Profile

Umove Mehta is a renowned real estate expert at one of the largest websites for property in India. His work is appreciated by top professionals in the industry.

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