Whats The Importance Of Commercial Motor Insurance?

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    Sep 08, 2014
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Whats The Importance Of Commercial Motor Insurance? Photo by Akash Naidu

Commercial Motor Insurance is an essential coverage plan especially for organizations that have to take care of lot of vehicles. These vehicles may belong to employees and organizational work. It can comprise of different types of vehicles like cars, bikes, trailers, trucks and caravans.
Further you will understand the importance of commercial motor insurance and its benefits.
Covers all types of vehicles-
A commercial motor insurance covers various types of vehicles under only one plan. This includes cars, bikes, trailers, trucks and caravans.
For a business which has multiple vehicles, it will be difficult for the firm to ensure that each vehicle is insured. This creates difficulty in the event of any emergency where it becomes difficult to file claim for the affected vehicle. This is because each vehicle has been insured by different motor insurance policies and the claim process gets delayed. This can land the company in a very difficult situation which can lead to the business lose its clients as well as customers.
Prevents inefficiency in business operations-
When any vehicle gets damaged during the working hours it can seriously affect the business productivity.
For instance, a vehicle is damaged due to fire or theft during working hours. This can lead to late delivery due to the prolonged delivery of products to the respective customers. Hence, late and missed deliveries are a probability for a business in the absence of commercial motor insurance. If you expect your customers or clients to understand your situation then that company is at fault. The particular company can lose its valuable clients and customers if they get annoyed for late deliveries. This can be easily prevented when the company gets commercial motor insurance which would cover different types of vehicles like car, truck, trailer and other types of vehicles. Commercial motor insurance is especially of great importance for manufacturing companies which have great number of vehicles for carrying raw materials and other finished goods.
It prevents downfall of business reputation & employee morale-
Creating pressure on the drivers is not good. There are firm which pressurize their drivers to drive safely and in case of any accident put the blame on the third party. In such cases where drivers are at risk i.e. unsafe, it could lead to violation of traffic rules. This may lead to downfall of the employee morale and hence decrease in productivity due to the employees experiencing stress. All such things leave one’s business's reputation at risk. Also the business can find itself in a damage-repair state prior to even one’s vehicle get repaired.
Hence, it’s always better for companies and organizations which deal with multiple vehicles to get comprehensive commercial motor insurance. A comprehensive commercial motor insurance will always keep your business/firm moving when any kinds of accidents take place. Look for covers that cover fire, theft & accident. Also ensure that you have sufficient third party cover. Also additionally, businesses should do thorough research about different kinds of motor insurance policies and additional value added covers. For instance, firms dealing in cargo services should get a cover for cargo the vehicles would carry. In this way, the losses would be covered in case of damage to precious cargo.
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Author's Profile

Akash Naidu is a web Developer and he is a part time content writer writing for different areas including Insurance and Loan sectors. For more information visit: Car Insurance & Motor Insurance

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