All You Need To Know About Cashless Hospitalization

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    Jul 22, 2014
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All You Need To Know About Cashless Hospitalization Photo by Akash Naidu

One cannot predict when he/she will fall sick. New diseases arise every other day due to various situations and events like junked lifestyles, hectic working schedules, air and water pollution etc.
Scientists are finding newer and effective ways to cure and prevent diseases. They are coming up with innovative and creative methods for overcoming diseases.
Many people are finding it very difficult to manage high expenditure rates for medication and hospitalization. The poorly maintained Govt hospitals present low quality service. On the contrary, it’s difficult for people to spend huge amounts in exorbitant hospitals.
Therefore, it’s necessary for people to have proper measures in place to combat health related matters efficiently without taking a sudden financial weight. And cashless hospitalization is one such measure which helps to overcome all your health related issues. Hence, whenever you buy a health insurance, ensure that it provides cashless hospitalization.
Cashless Hospitalization  
There’s one great measure which helps a person during health emergencies. It’s a comprehensive healthcare insurance policy. It should include and offer best rates of compensation, cover all your basic requirements and most importantly contain cashless hospitalization facility.
Today there are innumerable options you can choose from which offer cashless hospitalization facility. You can choose from general health insurance policies, Mediclaim insurance plans and Critical Illness plans usually offer cashless hospitalization facilities. They provide a person with financial independence for tackling several medical needs.
Such plans comprise of their own empanelled network of hospitals. The insurance provider through their empanelled network of hospitals provides a sound treatment to the insured during any health emergencies. The insurer will settle your bills through a 3rd party administrator. Therefore, you don’t need to pay the entire or a significant part of your medical expenses as determined by your health insurance policy.
Below are the various benefits of cashless hospitalization offered by your health insurance policy-
You get peace of mind and relief from huge monetary expenses relating to high medical and hospitalization costs.
• Avail cashless facilities across several reputed hospitals for services like hospitalization and surgeries for ailments like burns and broken limbs and heart attacks.
• Get Income tax benefits as per section 80D as well as section 80DD of the Income Tax Act.
• You can renew your policy every year.
• Receive policy renewal facilities for your entire life.
• If you think that there’s a better provider than your current one, you can choose that provider who is providing better facilities.
• You can benefit from additional features for the entire family in a cost-effective way.
• Get easy and satisfactory claims.
• Get 24x7 personal assistance and help.
• Get 50-60% of No Claim Bonus on your renewal.
Hence, if you’re deciding to get a health insurance for you and your family it’s a good step forward. However, ensure that the policy offers cashless hospitalization facilities.

Author's Profile

Akash Naidu is a software Tester and he is a part time content writer writing for different areas including Insurance and Loan sectors. For more information visit: Health Insurance & Health Insurance Plan

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