NYC Bookkeepers Helping Small Businesses Relieve Accounting Burden

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    Sep 19, 2012
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A small business owner has so many things to worry about when they’re starting their new company. Most want to focus on their business and not on dry subjects like taxes and financial preparation. Even those that do can simply assume that NYC bookkeepers are interchangeable and that can lead to problems. But with many well run companies out there, all of which are battling for the same customers, it’s critical to get the small details right. In the very competitive, tri-state area this is even more of an important issue when dealing with astronomical start-up costs.

The importance of good tax preparation by experience NYC bookkeepers can be explained by the fact that new businesses see more audits and higher tax rates because they’re more likely to make simple mistakes. Having competent representation can truly be the difference between a business that can keep its head above water and one that thrives. For that reason, having a good NYC bookkeeper that has experience working with similar businesses is a necessity because there a lot of unique issues faced by new businesses that existing companies don’t always have to deal with.

One problem that a lot of people find is that they choose to work with a friend or family member who is a bookkeeper even if they aren’t the best fit for what they are doing. Finding a good bookkeeper in NYC is extremely difficult and it’s rare that someone’s cousin or uncle is that good fit. While hurting the egos of family members can be hard, having the wrong bookkeeper that leads to a tax audit can be much harder.

Aside from working with family members, it’s also very easy to get seduced by bookkeepers that have really low fees, but may not have the best fit overall. It’s important to only work with accounting firms that have a good deal of experience because saving a couple bucks is not worth a bigger tax bill on the back end. A bookkeeper must be evaluated like any long-term relationship and one or two small points can’t be the sole determining factor. It is recommended that people find bookkeepers that have at least many years of experience to help with start ups. Working with start-ups is important because working with new business owners can be different and present more problems for an unprepared accountant.

Finding a good reference for a bookkeeper can save a lot of headaches down the road. A reference from a company within a similar industry or can be doubly important. Obviously different industries have different needs, so what may work for a Fortune 500 company may not work for a two man operation. The best bookkeepers in NYC can provide a very valuable service to their clients, but no two clients are the same so a good bookkeeper for one may not be for another. They can often be the difference between success and failure during the most difficult first year. So it’s not a decision that should be taken lightly or made cavalierly.


Gavin Harrison is a free lance writer. Get more information about Bookkeeping, Accounting, New York Bookkeepers, NYC Accounting, New York Bookkeeping and NYC Bookkeepers.

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Having competent representation can truly be the difference between a business that can keep its head above water and one that thrives.

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