Divorce and Legal Separation in Orange County

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    Jan 03, 2014
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Divorce is one of the hardest things to deal with as a couple. Emotions run high, resulting in stress as they try to absorb what the true implications of the dissolution of their marriage are, not just on themselves, but on their children and families. Couples facing divorce are often full of fear, and confused, and are unlikely to be objective in working out suitable separation terms. This is where a good divorce attorney comes in. These orange county divorce attorneys are specialized in a myriad of aspects of family law, including legal divorce and separation. As family law lawyers in Orange County, you will be assisted to understand the divorce process and all that is required of you according to California State family laws.

California is one of the no-fault states in the country. This implies that you can seek for dissolution of your marriage either by divorce or by legal separation simply stating irreconcilable differences. This means that you are seeking dissolution due to a fundamental difference of opinion in which no party is willing to make a compromise for harmony to be restored. This family lawyer in Orange County has practiced family law for many years and is well versed with different practices of divorce settlement, including collaborative practice, annulments, divorce mediation, and in case all amicable agreement methods fail, family court litigation.

A divorce lawyer will guide you in matters of matrimonial property settlement, child custody and support, spousal support/alimony and how to negotiate pre-nuptial agreements in case of breach by either party. If you were stay-at-home parent, calculation of contribution to joint matrimonial property may be challenging. However, a good family lawyer in Orange County will help you to work out settlement terms that guarantee you are well compensated for your contribution in being a stay-at-home parent.

In the state of California, there are two ways in which matters arising from cases involving marriage dissolution can be sorted out. The case can either be termed as contested or as uncontested. Uncontested dissolution cases are those in which both parties agree to the terms of the dissolution without the need to resort to a family court trial. As far as time and cost-effectiveness goes, this is the better form, but it may not always work out. Contested divorce cases are the result of failure to agree on important matters, such as division of assets, child custody, child and spousal support, among others. This necessitates a family court hearing, in order to ensure your best interests are protected.

Uncontested divorce cases are the result of a process called pretrial divorce mediation, in which both parties and their legal representatives meet and discuss the terms of dissolution that would be most suited to both parties. Negotiation and mediation is always recommended, but even then, you are advised to always have your family law attorney present to ensure none of your rights are infringed upon without your knowledge. Only in the case of absolute failure to agree should litigation be resorted to. As your family law lawyer, it will be paramount to ensure that in all circumstances throughout the process your best interested protected.

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Divorce is one of the hardest things to deal with as a couple. Emotions run high, resulting in stress as they try to absorb what the true implications of the dissolution of their marriage are, not just on themselves, but on their children and families.

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