Fast Identity Documentation Through The Biometric Enrollment Services

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    Sep 14, 2014
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Fast Identity Documentation Through The Biometric Enrollment Services Photo by Arvind  Sharma

With the new progress in technology and infrastructure, it has become easier to collect data and information about the individuals and storing it. This process has now been used even for passport and visa application where documentation of individual’s data and biometrics is crucial. In this article, we give you information about why one can get a fast identity documentation process done with the biometric enrollment services.

The functions of the Biometrics Enrollment Process make for the perfect system to record data of an individual due to the following reasons:

• Universality
This data service collects information that is standard to all individuals i.e. fingerprints, irisand facial features are common to all individuals but it is only the traits are different from each other. Thus, using these base features, the system has a base level of comparison where the results of the scanned data are compared to the recorded one.

• Uniqueness
Each biometric trait is almost completely different from individual thereby there is a low chance of any of these traits being the same or even replicated to a complete 100%.  While scanning the individual, the system makes a comparison of the recorded data of the traits with the earlier scan of the individual’s recorded data and gives a quick result of the difference if there are any.

• Permanent
We are born with this bio - traits and continue to grow with them. These traits are permanent and cannot be changed easily. Thus recording such information is easy as there a low likely hood that these traits will change over the course of time. If the results showcase a high percentage of variation between the recorded bio data and the latest scan, then there is a possibility of the individual being an imposter.

• Acceptability
Recording the bio data through this process involves a simple process of scanning which is normally non intrusive and simple thereby making the individual more accepting towards this kind documentation process. This process does not require any invasive method and merely lasts a few seconds when recording the data.

• Circumvention
Circumventing this process with an artificial trait or substitute is nearly impossible due to the fact that the systems use unique technology and infrastructure that provides results which is flawlessly perfect. Replicating this data is almost nearly impossible and also very time consuming.

From the following factors we can see how the biometrics enrollment services comprises of  several functional factors that makes a near perfect system of documentation of data recording. Using this stored data and through the processes of the latest technology, you can see how the system records fast identity documentation and how it will be beneficial with its near perfect results.

Author's Profile

Arvind Sharma is an employee of Cox and Kings Global Services. He is well experienced in the process of the Biometrics Enrollment Process. He wishes to share all relevant information about this service to those who are interested in it.

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