Women feel sexiest in September

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    Sep 04, 2012
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It is known that a few women absolutely pleased with herself. There is always some part of the body that she does not like it, they like it to have longer legs, bigger breasts, lush hair ... But do you know when a woman is most pleased with her body? What this entails that she is proud to look in the mirror?

Scientists say that women are the most satisfied with their appearance in the 32nd year, to think that the most beautiful on Tuesdays, and that they tend to consider themselves the most sexiest May and September!

Specifically, the research that led to these discoveries were conducted at several thousand women, but experts say it is a surprise that most women would have the same results, which is quite rare in women.
The fact that women are the most satisfied with their appearance in the 32nd scientists interpret this to have crossed the border of maturity, that they finally accepted their body, and that they no longer important to be beautiful on the beach or to appeal to men.

Women are particularly satisfied with the appearance of their eyes, and most of them think that this is their best physical attribute. After allegations eyes breasts as one of the major advantages, and the brain have made only at the third place. Most of the women said, and as they likes to dress nicely and thus emphasize their femininity.

At that age, most women already have a career, marriage, children or a serious relationship, and learn that the only pleasure in themselves, and not in any way that others see or perceive. Tuesday is the day when they think that they are beautiful because they pass Grouch Monday, and still are fresh and have the power to dress up, and the sex appeal in May and September, explained outside temperatures.

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Leyla Lea enjoys writing articles for InterestingArticles.com. View the Leyla Lea Author Profile

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