Custom Built Software - A Fast and Affordable Solution

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    Sep 08, 2014
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Custom Built Software - A Fast and Affordable Solution Photo by Jignesh Vaducha

Commercial, off-the-shelf software solutions may very well meet the basic needs of your organisation. Although it is more practical for a growing business to invest in a custom built software that addresses your specific requirements. Bespoke software solutions are the best choice when ready-made software programs are not compatible with your organisation's processes. Manytimes, businesses find themselves in a situation where no off-the-shelf software products fit their needs.

Bespoke software systems can be specifically developed to address the exact requirements of your business. Custom software offers many significant advantages, ranging from increasing operational efficiency to providing long-term benefits due to faster response to specific business needs and processes. Here are other reasons why a custom software and bespoke applications can be considered a huge strategic asset for your company:

• You have more control over operations, as each feature is designed to be compatible with your operating processes.
• New processes are easier to integrate.
• Custom software can be modified as per your team's changing requirements. This is an advantage that no ready-made software can offer, as off-the-shelf programs cannot be altered as easily.
• Most of the time, you own and are left with the source code for the program, which makes it even easier to alter the program in-house or have it altered by a professional.
• Custom software is easier to implement and integrate to achieve smoother operations. This increases productivity by a greater degree compared to other types of programs.
• Learning curves are shorter, as programs can be designed in a way that makes the integration and transition as seamless and as simple as possible.

If you are contemplating whether to go bespoke or off-the-shelf, remember that custom software is, the more practical choice in the long term.  Custom software programs are not only built specifically for your business. They can be designed to grow as your business grows. This is one of the best advantages of owning and using a custom program.

Author's Profile

This article is written by Jignesh Vaducha who is the Managing Director at Schnell Solutions Limited. He works closely with Schnell's customer around the globe on their IT transformation and modernisation initiatives with a specific focus on developing bespoke software applications. Under his leadership, Schnell offers various services viz. Bespoke Software Development and Consulting, Mobile App, IT Audit, Ebase Xi.

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