Women Excelling In Accountancy with the help of CIMA certification
A woman excelling in the male dominated field of accountancy is a rare site to witness. As a woman, if you decide becoming an accountant, you need to be ready to fight long and endless battles. You might not even get to enter let alone sit, in a conference room as a top executive. Research has confirmed that it is true about women not being treated well in the field of finance.
Though, almost half of the working population in every country consists of the women folk, when it comes to acquiring positions, not even one forth achieve. Very few women are successful in reaching the top. The male population is seen to be paid twice as much as the women in the same position. To turn tables and help women in this field to be considered for the top positions, CIMA has been trying to work out a new strategy. The aim is to provide career oriented women with tips on how to move up the professional ladder and stay at the top. The medium, with which CIMA plans to achieve this, is through interviews and research to find out how to make things that hasn’t work so far work.
CIMA also plans to look at its own methodology. Officials at CIMA state that they have had huge numbers of women applying to take up courses with them; however it still doesn’t seem balanced. CIMA, present in 165 nations and is a reliable source of creating professional accountants. The students who get CIMA certified are equipped to handle any situation at ease. A lot of industries benefit from CIMA as many employ CIMA certified candidates.
Women all over the world have proved to be better leaders. The same is true in the field of accountancy as well. Research has it that many companies lead by female CEO’s proved to be 10% more profitable than the male headed ones. The organizations that hired women in their board benefitted from them by receiving a higher percentage of financial gains. Women everywhere show better traits of management in comparison to men. They have good leadership qualities, the patience to motivate and bring out work from their subordinates, the capability of defining requirements and women can also build teams that are strong. This doesn’t mean men don’t have these qualities, they do, but just that women are more effective. One point to be taken from all the studies conducted is that, organizations hesitating to promote women to their top roles would be at a loss.