Compare The Different Types Of Home Loan Rates In India

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    Sep 11, 2014
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Compare The Different Types Of Home Loan Rates In India Photo by Aishwarya Mahurkar

There are three different types of home loan rates in India . They have a considerable impact on your total amount of interest, your monthly EMIs and EMI fluctuations. So, what are they?

• Floating
• Fixed
• Hybrid

Most borrowers, over a course of time, must become familiar with all three types of housing loan interest rates and their implications on your home loan and finances. This is one aspect of home loans that you cannot afford to remain ignorant about. So, let’s consider each type in thorough detail.

Floating home loan rates:

These are the lowest and the most affordable home loan interest rates;however, these are vulnerable to market fluctuations. If you choose this kind of interest rates, your EMIs might be the lowest. However, they can change any moment. 

Fixed home loan rates:

Fixed home loan interest rates remain fixed for three to five years. But, they are set ona higher scale to accommodatethe potential market fluctuations. After three to five years, they will be reset based on the market conditions at that time. So, you will have to choose higher home loan rates in India if you want to pay consistent monthly EMIs.

Hybrid home loan rates:

These rates are supposed to combine the best of both worlds. You make two separate contracts for yourprincipal amount. So, you pay 50% of EMIs based on the predetermined fixed rate and 50% of EMIs as per the current floating rate of interest. This is the most balanced approach as you can take advantage of the floating rates when the market is low, but your fixed rate of interest won’t let it sink beyond a point either.  

Compare holistically

Most people want floating interest rates because they are the lowest housing loan interest rates among the three. However, there is more to these rates thanjust being a number. For example: In the current real estate market, there are no prepayment charges with floating home loan rates. Therefore, people, who have opted for them can prepay their home loan at much affordable rates. So, you will need to consider these rates with their whole specifications before you decide. 

So, in conclusion, you cannot make your decision about the best housing loan interest rates  in vacuum. You have to consider them along with their advantages and disadvantages. Current rules and regulations about how these rates influence other aspects of the home loan can be a very important criterion too.

So, think comprehensively and make your choice logically.

Author's Profile

The author is a seasonal writer on topics of finance and the home loan sector. Through her writing, she articulates aspects that are important to people availing best housing loan interest rates facility such as Home loan rates in India, documents, eligibility criteria that help to make the best decision.

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