Why Do You Buy An Accidental Insurance Policy Despite Having Health Insurances?

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    Aug 04, 2014
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Why Do You Buy An Accidental Insurance Policy Despite Having Health Insurances? Photo by Jessica Kappor

Accidents hit people ruthlessly and leave them in gloom. In worst cases, victims either succumb to death or get bodily injuries that make them crippled for the rest of the life. But, this is not end of sufferings. In the event of death, the family of deceased becomes helpless. And even if the victim survives, finance for treatments lacks most of the times. Though accidents and death events couldn't be averted all the time, people can buy an accidental insurance policy to stay covered and make sure that an accident doesn’t leave them financially crippled.

A health insurance plan is a good step to make life risk-free. Nonetheless, the importance of buying an accidental policy could never be understated. Here's how this policy benefits people.

1. Security after Death:

The biggest reason why people buy an accidental insurance policy is security after death. It means this policy ensures financial security for the family of deceased. In Tier-I and II cities of India, accidents take place day in and day out. And many times, the deceased is the only earner. In the death of such an important family member, this financial cover matters most. It keeps them moving along with the way of life. An accidental insurance policy helps them get the money to survive tough times.

2. Security for the Victims:

Another important thing to consider is those cases in which the victims survive accidents but are severely injured. Maybe they lose eyesight or limbs or both. They become physically challenged and are compelled to live a life that feels more like a nightmare. This is where an accidental plan is of great help. Offering financial relief, it prepares the ground for a new life that a victim could have never got, hadn't they invested in an accidental cover plan.

3. Security for Lineage's Education:

If an insured dies leaving a kid behind, an accidental plan helps get the kids or kid higher education. This is really helpful because the death of a father or a mother could make children's life horrible and helpless. Education is one of the basic needs of life. To make a kid educated, this plan really helps a lot.

4. Security for the Unemployed:

Due to accidents, many victims lose their jobs. With no job, the source of earning comes to cease inflicting unbearable hardships. An insured, however, gets a percentage of the plan value for a specific period of time. Finance is the biggest security in the world and this plan offers security at the right time.

5. Security and Support to Meet Sundry Expenses:

In the event of death, this plan offers carriage charge of the body. In case of survival, it pays off ambulance charges. In case, an insured loses clothes or clothes are damaged due to accidents, this plan compensates. This is how it offers security and support to both an insured and a nominee. And this is where it becomes more important than health insurance.

The Bottom Line:

Those who invest in this plan are smarter than the rest. The reasons being, they know that risks can't be avoided but minimized with planning and taking proper and timely steps. And buying an accidental plan is one of the steps that experts recommend to all.

Life is a risky game. Until one dies, this risk factor can’t be completely brushed off. What can be done instead is buying a comprehensive plan and living life carefully for care is better than cure. And for unfortunate events like accidents, there's always an accidental plan.

Author's Profile

Jessica Kappor is a seasoned finance writer. Her explanatory writing style helps understand the subject matter easily and offers tips, tricks and expert suggestions for accidental insurance policy and other insurance policies also. Of various finance genre, insurance and personal finance is her own forte and she writes to help readers stay covered against risks strategically.

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