Best Tips For Getting That Great Housing Loan Deal

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    Mar 14, 2014
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Best Tips For Getting That Great Housing Loan Deal Photo by Aishwarya Mahurkar

A home loan is the most major long-term financial commitment for most people. Keeping this in mind, it is advisable to be both fund-savvy and stingy about every penny to minimize your EMIs. You will also need to employ all the tricks in your bag to get the ideal housing loan deal . Here are some ideas to make this process work for you:

Know all the home loans:

Information is the defining factor for all house loan negotiations. Most sellers are proficient with information and factual data. Unless you are well equipped with in-depth research, you will not get a profitable deal. You must research about the housing finance company’s terms and conditions, home loan processes and other expenses such as stamp duty, processing charges etc. You can also hire a financial expert to protect your wealth and assets. Without this information, you will find yourself ill-prepared to comprehend how this loan could affect your monthly cash flow.

Credit Score:   

You must check your credit score before applying for housing finance. Credit scores and the sum of your financial life can display your financial credibility. It assures lenders that you are capable of making repayments consistently. If your credit score is low, you won’t be able to get the best home loan in India . So, make all the choices possible to improve your credit score, in order to get lower interest rates and a better organization for a loan.

Choose your lender well:

As a borrower, you are the valued customer for any bank or housing finance organization in India. But making the right decision means that you must apply to several organizations for the best possible solution. While it can be an expensive proposition, given that each organization deducts processing fees. In the long term though, it means that you can get the lowest possible interest rates. You should also base your decision on other important and comparable factors in the loan agreement like customizable repayments, loan to value ratio, acceleration clauses, pre-payment clauses, force majeure, etc. All these can affect your financial life significantly. Therefore, you must evaluate all of them before finalizing on your home loan. 

Negotiate interest rates:

While this can be a crucial step, it is important not to rush into it. You should ensure that you are comfortable with other terms and conditions set by your lender. Most importantly, it is essential that you understand that any official initially won’t be willing to change the standardised interest rates for housing finance. They are always shown as non-negotiable in the loan. However, most executives have been authorized to adjust the interest rate to a certain degree. So, if you present your case effectively enough, you will be able to get the best interest rate possible.

Author's Profile

Aishwarya Mahurkar is an experienced writer concerning the finance industry. Her articles help in informing her readers of the ideal housing loan deal and the best home loan in India.

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