Myths about Prostate Health

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    May 29, 2013
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Myths about Prostate Health Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

The prostate is a chestnut-shaped gland in the pelvic region. Its main function is to produce a fluid that nurtures the sperm and forms part of the seminal fluid. Thus the prostate forms a vital component of the reproductive system. The prostate undergoes a major growth spurt during adolescence and doubles in size. Another growth spurt may occur when a man is nearing sixties, and the prostate can grow significantly, and this growth may lead to certain problems.

The prostate lies very close to the bladder and envelops the urethra. When it expands, it pushes against these two organs, which are associated with urinary functions. Thus, a growing prostate can cause trouble with urinary flow by increasing the frequency of urination. There are a lot of myths surrounding the prostate gland and men should be able to distinguish fact from fiction so they can take proper care of the prostate. Here are some of the most common myths about the prostate.

Myths about the Prostate

  • Prostate disease only affects older men

It’s a fact that prostate diseases are usually seen in men over 50, but it doesn’t mean that men as young as 30 are immune to prostate disease. In fact, the rising trend of eating fast food and lack of physical activity puts all adult men at the risk of prostate health disorder. You can minimize your risk by making smart dietary choices, using supplements like Super Beta Prostate, and working out religiously.

  • Prostate disease is sexually transmitted

Nothing could be farther from the truth! Intercourse doesn’t lead to prostate disease, as women don’t have a  prostate, so how can they acquire and pass on a prostate infection?

  • Prostate disease leads to impotence

No it does not! Even men who have undergone prostate surgery don’t get affected by impotence or erectile problems.

  • Frequent sexual activity is unhealthy for the prostate

On the contrary, experts suggest that engaging in intercourse regularly is actually therapeutic for the prostate. It flushes out the fluid buildup and keeps the gland healthy.

  • Prostate disease runs in the family

Though men with a history of prostate disorders in the family are more susceptible to acquiring it themselves, but that doesn’t make it a guaranteed fact. In fact, if any family member has prostate problems, take corrective steps by improving your lifestyle and keeping prostate disorder away.

  • Prostate checkup is painful

Prostate checkup, also known as digital rectal examination is mildly uncomfortable, but never really painful. If you’re over 60, see your doctor for an annual prostate exam and to keep your prostate disease-free.

Prostate problems can certainly be painful and annoying for most men. To make sure you don’t suffer from severe urinary flow problems, read a bunch of Super Beta Prostate review. It’s a comprehensive formula containing plant sterols, zinc, copper, selenium and other nutrients meant to foster prostate health. Misconceptions abound when it comes to prostate health. Be responsible toward your health and have a proactive attitude toward your prostate to keep it in good shape and lead a worry-free old age.

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Minimize your risk by making smart dietary choices, using supplements like Super Beta Prostate, and working out religiously.To make sure you don’t suffer from severe urinary flow problems, read a bunch of Super Beta Prostate review.

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