Living with Prostate Discomfort

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    Feb 20, 2013
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Living with Prostate Discomfort Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

Since 50% of men over 50 and 80% of men over 80 are dealing with prostate conditions. There are some easy ways you can reduce your prostate woes. They might be easy but you need to make these practices second nature to really experience relief. We want to show you how to help yourself regain prostate health to some extent. Here’s how.
1. Drink less
I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase before. For those with prostate problems, this should be taken as a command. Prostate problems are usually accompanied by urinary problems because of how close the prostate is to the bladder. But how does drinking less help? What do you need to drink less of and why?

  • Caffeine: If you can cut caffeine out completely, that would be ideal. Caffeine is a diuretic and makes you go to the bathroom more often. That means more pain and more time wasted. So if you can say no to this delicious drink, you’ll feel better.
  • Water after 7pm: Water is essential but we’d recommend drinking your complete water requirement in the first half of your day. After noon, drink only sips of water if your throat is dry.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol might also increase your runs to the restroom if you drink more than a couple of sips. Some believe that it also might increase the chances of cancer.


2. Set up a schedule
If it’s possible, try to go to the restroom every two and a half to three hours whether you feel like going or not. This schedule helps you stay focused and plan to do important things without being interrupted with the urge to go. If and when you do feel the urge, go immediately because waiting and holding it in is not the best plan. Leaking and dripping are more likely when you don’t act upon your urge to go quickly.

3. Void completely
A technique many men use is to wait for a couple of minutes after urinating and then go back and try again. This helps void completely and though it might take longer, it might save you another trip back in the near future.

4. Kegel exercises
These exercises will help strengthen the muscles used for urination and hopefully give you better control of them. You can look up the particular exercises and start doing them now.

5. Eat for your prostate
One of the most important ways you can cope with prostate issues is by eating right. What you eat affects your prostate so eating prostate friendly foods is very effective. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies for their anti-oxidants (green tea too if you like). Beta-sitosterol is a natural plant sterol that many plants contain and it’s great for the prostate. But in order to be effective, you’d have to eat too many vegetables than humanly possible. That’s why prostate supplements that contain beta-sitosterol are effective. One of them is Super Beta Prostate. If you read Super Beta Prostate review, you’ll find that it contains many trace minerals that are useful for proper prostate care.

So that’s a short guide to coping with prostate conditions and coming through successfully. If you make these tips into habits, you’ll be able to spend more time with your family and doing the things you love.

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Prostate supplements that contain beta-sitosterol are effective. One of them is Super Beta Prostate. If you read Super Beta Prostate review, you’ll find that it contains many trace minerals that are useful for proper prostate care.

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