Great Sex Positions for a Small Penis

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    Aug 21, 2014
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Great Sex Positions for a Small Penis Photo by John Dugan

Penis size can be a huge problem for men who believe they are smaller than average. For these guys, the tool is just a little too small to be impressive, and they are often desperate for a penis care method that can make it bigger. Guys like this might be looking at things the wrong way, though - just because it is small, this doesn’t mean it doesn't work; in fact, minimally endowed guys can be great in bed. They might need to do a few things differently to make the sex truly spectacular, though. These are a few suggestions that can get the party started.

Good Positions

Sex with a small penis is all about putting the right stuff in the right place at the right time. Sometimes, that means trying out new positions that a couple has never even considered before, starting with chucking the standard, guy-on-top position that most couples are familiar with. While missionary positions can allow couples to stare soulfully into one another's eyes during sex, these are also the positions that can make a small penis feel, well, small.

Better options for smaller men involve coming at a partner from behind, ideally while the partner has her hips up in the air ever so slightly. Pillows beneath the hips can do the trick, and the entry works best if she keeps her thighs closer together. Couples won't look one another in the eye during this kind of sex, but this position can make the penis feel just a little more impressive.

If this angle seems a little too strange or unusual, men can experiment a little by:

- Lying side-by-side, with the man in back

- Standing on the floor with the woman leaning over a table for support

- Keeping the back, legs and arms in full contact during a standard "doggie style" entry, to increase the feeling of intimacy

While these descriptions seem to put a lot of the work in a man's lap, there are things the woman in the equation can do in order to make things go swimmingly. For example, she can squeeze her thighs together during penetration, which can create an extra bit of pleasure. She can also work on moving from side-to-side during sex, instead of up and down, so that all of the width of a man's body is coming into contact with the sensory cells on the inside of her body.

Final Tips

Really impressing a partner in bed means more than just ramming away. Men who try that out might not please their partners at all, no matter how big or how small they are. Plus, skipping some of the vital steps on the way to sex can lead to dry thrusting, which can leave the penis feeling raw and sore.

Before the penetration part starts, both partners should get a little hand-and-mouth time, so they're both as stimulated as they can be. When that happens, a woman’s tissues are swollen and tight, which can make a small penis feel bigger; with the added lubrication from a high level of arousal, everything will also work just a little more smoothly, and it'll be a lot less damaging.

Finally, it's important to remember that a healthy penis is much more impressive than a sickly, scaly one. Besides, penile tissues that are healthy are just more responsive, so they're much more capable of delivering pleasure to the man that wields them. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can bring this kind of transformation about.

Quality products are jam-packed with vitamins, emollients and more that all work together to soften and nourish the skin, so a man can go at it longer and bring his partner much more pleasure. Plus, added softening agents ensure that the skin can stretch during an erection, so the tool can grow as much as possible. For smaller men, this help may be absolutely vital.

Author's Profile

Visit for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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