Animal Charities In The UK

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    Mar 17, 2013
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Dog Kennel
Dog Kennel
Photo by AmazonCARES

Nearly everyone supports animal charities as they love animals but there are two different types of animal charities. There are the Rescue Animal Charities, often set up by individuals around the world who want to rescue endangered species.

These include elephants, often rescued from circuses and zoos, bears who have been kept in captivity to perform in the streets as dancing bears and wild animals like lions and tigers that have been kept in terrible conditions in foreign zoos.

In the UK people set up charitable organisations to rescue horses and donkeys and abandoned cats and dogs which unfortunately are growing in number due to the financial climate.

The other types of animal charities include the People's Dispensary For Sick Animals and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. These are the British names for these charities but there are equivalent Society's for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals all over the world.

The PDSA exists to offer care for pets in need of vets - that is their slogan - and it gives free pet healthcare advice on their website. There are various PDSA hospitals and pet centres around the UK and they also offer free veterinary treatment to pet owners on certain benefits who might otherwise not be able to afford the services of a vet.

The only stipulation is they must live in the catchment area and own a dog, cat or small furry animal and only one animal per household is eligible for free treatment.

The PDSA is a registered charity and relies on donations, legacies and their charity shops to survive but many people are willing to leave fairly substantial sums to the PDSA in their will.

The RSPCA is the UK's largest animal charity and their main aim is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals all over England and Wales. They also offer petcare advice for all breeds of animal and the RSPCA has the power to prosecute pet owners for cruelty.

An RSPCA prosecution often results in a jail sentence and a ban from keeping another animal for a very long time, if not for life.

Author's Profile

Virginia Montgomery is a stay at home mom who enjoys writing articles for Interesting Articles.

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