Beyond Simple Blogging to Endless Possibilities: WordPress as a Content Management System

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    Dec 13, 2012
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WordPress blogging software has come a long way from being used as a simple blogging platform and is now used by many as a content management system. Several tools are used to make WordPress more like a website. First there are many plugins available that increase functionality; second many widgets used to create sidebars and menus are available; and third, you will find many available themes to make your site look good and stand out from the crowd.

Many plugins both free and paid exist for you to use.  You can find many plugins that do things such as putting ads in your posts and pages such as for Google AdSense or affiliate programs such as Amazon or ClickBank. Several plugins are available to enhance search engine optimization (SEO) so that your site is easily found in the search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.  There are plugins that help you create membership sites, make contact pages, privacy policy pages, and create picture and video galleries and many other things.  You can search for all the free plugins right from the plugin admin panel. Plugins make it simple to have your site do what you want without having to have a lot of technical knowledge.

Another thing that increases the functionality is sidebar widgets. You can place menu items, your latest posts, search boxes, and you can put ads, pictures etc.  Several plugins and widgets work hand in hand giving you endless possibilities concerning your website. You can place contact and auto responder forms to help increase your opt in list as well as other forms. Widgets make it easier for your site viewers to navigate and get a ‘big picture’ glance at your site and what is available to them there. You will find your available widgets in your admin panel and arrange them where you want them with the simple drag and drop method.

Finally tons of themes exist to customize both the look and functionality of your site. Many free themes are out there and you can search from them also from the admin panel. Paid themes also abound.  You can get themes that match you particular niche. Many of the themes are completely customizable, so you can change color schemes place pictures and videos in certain areas and position your menu buttons where you want theme. You can search for the available free themes form the admin panel and from your favorite search engine.

As you can see WordPress is much more than simple blogging software, it is a fully customizable content manager with endless possibilities. Through the use of plugins, widgets and themes you can create a great looking professional website without a lot of technical or code knowledge.

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