Omega-3 May Help Support Healthy Artery Function in Smokers

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    Aug 16, 2013
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In April 2012, a study carried out in Greece was presented at the World Congress of Cardiology organized by the World Heart Federation.The details of the study showed how 2 grams of omega-3 fatty acids given three times a day may help reduce the harmful effects of smoking on the heart. The results showed that even short-term treatment of omega-3 fatty acid may improve both markers of cardiovascular riskcaused by cigarette smoking, namelystiffness in the arterial walls and the impairment of vascular elastic.

According to Dr. GerasimosSiasos of the University of Athens Medical School, "The cardioprotective effects of omega-3 fatty acids appear to be due to a synergism between multiple, intricate mechanisms involving anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic effects."

Omega-3 Benefits for Smokers
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the leading causes of death. There is significant research that suggests that CAD can be prevented or altered by making 3 major lifestyle changes:

  1. Maintaining a heart-healthy diet
  2. Engaging in regular exercise
  3. Quitting the smoking habit

While the fact remains undisputed that smoking is harmful to one’s health, the study presented suggests that smokers may be able to mitigate the damage done to their heart by getting a daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Study Details & Results
20 healthy smokers participated in the study and were given 2 grams of omega-3s three times a day. At the end of the 12 week study, researchers observed that "omega-3 PUFAs improved endothelial function and the elastic properties of the arterial tree in healthy smokers, with a parallel anti-inflammatory effect."

More Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are a cluster of polyunsaturated fats required for numerous functions in the body. The two most popular omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, are found in fish, particularly fatty fish. Some vegetable oils contain omega- 3s but by and large adequate dietary intake of omega-3s come from fish or fish oil supplements.

DHA is found in concentrated amounts in the human brain, suggesting that it is an essential nutrient for cognitive and behavioral functions. Studies have shown that DHA is required during the fetal stage for proper development of the brain. In the elderly, an adequate intake is shown to promote cognitive health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

By far, the strongest evidence for clinical studies suggests the use of omega-3 fatty acids to promote heart health. A balance of omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet promotes healthy cholesterol levels, increasing HDL and lowering LDL. It has also been shown to reduce triglycerides. Some studies have shown that a daily intake of 3 or more grams of fish oil may reduce blood pressure in people with untreated hypertension.The American Heart Association recommends eating fish twice a week and for those with coronary heart disease, supplementation of omega 3s is recommended.

Additional benefits associated with Omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • DHA is abundantly present in the macula of the eye. Surveys have shown that those who include more fish in their diet and maintain a healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are less likely to suffer from macular degeneration.
  • EPA and DHA show promising results in weight management and in ameliorating the functions of the immune system.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids may be useful in controlling inflammatory bone and joint diseases such as arthritis.

Omega-3s fatty acids are neededthroughout one’s lifetime.Supplement business owners can provide their customers with high-quality fish oil supplements that meet their health needs whether it’s to mitigate the harmful effects of smoking on the heart, to improve immune function, reduce the effects of age-related cognitive decline or promote overall health.

Offer Your Customers Pure Omega 3 Supplements
Today, supplement business owners have a variety of omega-3 formulations they can choose to offer their customers. In addition to traditional fish oil, plant-based omega 3 supplements sources such asspirulina, flaxseeds, cranberry, chia and hemp are a great choice for your vegetarian or vegan customers.Omega-3 supplements can be manufactured in a variety of convenient delivery formats; the most common being tablets, capsules, powders and softgels.

According to Packaged Facts, a division of headquartered in Rocksville, MD, the number of consumers buying fish oil supplements increased from 8 percent in 2006 to 17 percent in 2011. The market for omega-3 continues to grow “briskly” according to forecasts projections for the years 2011-20157

When researching potential supplement manufacturing partners, ensure that the facility they’re working out of is GMP certified by a reputable governing body, like the NSF. It’s also wise to work with a vitamin manufacturer that possesses an award-winning reputation and has the ability to provide you with a variety of convenient, in-house services like label and packaging design, order fulfillment and drop shipping. Finding a company that offers all of these services under one roof is known to reduce product completion time.

Author's Profile

Nutricap Labs is a full service vitamin manufacturer. We are primarily into nutritional supplement manufacturing and also offer label and packaging design services and order fulfillment services to our customers.

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