Reviews of PC Satellite TV Software Cost-Effective Web TV Solution

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    Dec 07, 2012
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Not long ago, ETV Corp designed and introduced a proprietary software for computers that delivers over 3,500 live/on-demand channels from over 80 countries. Now they have a very popular product where tens of thousands of people around the globe are searching for. This shows exactly where this service stands with the stiff competition breathing down their back.


As of now, there are quite a few reviews on Satellite TV software but many of them do not give inside information to help someone make a sound decision. So to make clear of what this service and product can and cannot do, including how an individual can benefit, here's a brief outline of what to expect.


What Is it? Online TV software can streamline and organize the delivery of thousands of global channels. Prior to that, a service like ETV Corp makes use of technology that scrapes streaming content (channel/video feeds) from the World Wide Web via open gateways. Then stores the content into a datacenter where the entire process is repeated to acquire more new content. This also removes live/on-demand channels that no longer work or is available.


When an individual buys the application for a small one-off fee, s/he are really downloading the SD TV player engineered by ETV Corp. The service downloads the media content from their datacenter that automatically updates the player. This updating takes place each and every time the user launches the player, and they can actually see the download taking place.


This article just covered one important area where very a small number of Satellite TV on PC software reviews cover. The reason for this is more often than not these reviewers never purchased or tried the application on their computer. How can one be a good product reviewer without testing the product? So what happens is readers get misinformed because of a lack of good information.


What Are the Benefits? Think for moment having the ability to harness the power of the web that brings almost unlimited content including live and on-demand channels, videos, music and radio stations to a laptop or desktop computer (Windows-base or Mac OS X). This comes with a small one time payment. The only cost outside of that is the ISP that charges a monthly fee to connect to the Internet on an on-going basis – most people who own a computer are already paying for this service.


Unfortunately, any Internet connection won't do. Although a 56k modem or dial-up will only work for narrow-band channels, a wireless or better still a broadband connection will allow all channels to work (narrow-band and broadband). It's recommended to have a Cable or DSL connection because faster the connection speed better the overall performance and picture image.


The other benefits that make this technology worth investigating are no hidden or subscription fees, no hardware needed such as antenna, TV card or wires to connect. No one has to be tech savvy to set up a web television system on their desktop of laptop. Included with the software is a lifetime membership consisting of free on-going tech support, channel updates, and application upgrades.


However the few downsides that come with this technology don't go unnoticed, which many Satellite TV PC reviews never explain. Without revealing all the pros and cons to using the software, how does one know what they are actually getting, let alone make a well informed decision.


More Benefits to using this method


First, we need to identify the obvious issues:


  1. Perhaps the #1 issue is no one website offers TV shows, movies, sports and news – all together – which means web browsers must surf to find what they want to watch online and visit each website that caters to a specific type of content, like sitcoms/episodes.
  2. To do everything the manual way will mean saving the content when found online to ones computer. This requires creating folders and naming them so the person can find them and watch favorite shows at a later time.


The Solution:


Rather than spending time combing the Internet to find news, movies, sports, TV shows, music and radio stations, software can streamline the process and do more. In other words, the service does all the hard work instead. Time is saved when there's no need to search for content over the web or travel from one site to another to watch something or create folders to store different types of content.


So think of it this way, a TV player pre-loaded with tons of streaming channels and videos to watch from one location makes life much easier. The feature enhancements included make watching favorite shows online more enjoyable when using full screen, adding channels to favorites, and rating and updating channels, etc. All of this makes everything more convenient rather than doing things the hard way.


Just because someone reviews PC Satellite TV software doesn't say that s/he has put in the time to test the software out on their machine – actually many reviewers don't – so it would wise to take a little more time to pinpoint the few who really reviewed the product. This is not that hard to do. Just focus on how the person writes the review.


Things to look for in a good review:

  • Are there pictures taken of the TV player posted on the review site?
  • Does the reviewer express that s/he purchased, tested, downloaded or actually used the software?
  • Is a video embedded on the site that shows the player in action and features included?


Bear in mind when searching for additional information on these products/services many reviewers are out to make a quick buck. As a result, this leads readers who later become buyers upset about what they've just purchased because the product didn't live up to its billing. Unfortunately, this is one of the downsides when looking for a candid Satellite TV software review or consumer report.

Author's Profile

To get a honest review on the most popular PC Satellite TV software that's available today, read my Satellite Direct Review or check out the TV Online category.

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