Identify And Implement The Right Sources For Effective Master Data Management

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    Oct 24, 2013
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Identify And Implement The Right Sources For Effective Master Data Management Photo by Jessica  Bank

Every one of us knows how important data management really is. However, being simply aware of the benefits of MDM and understanding its importance, isn't sufficient to implement an MDM tool successfully. One of the most crucial problems, when it comes to data management implementation, is the inability to source quality data. Sourcing information is a vital element of the master data management process, as the entire system revolves solely around it. If we are unable to identify the right sources of quality data, then all the other factors of data management like data transformation, standardization, normalization and its analysis will be affected.

The right method of implementing master data management is to think big, but start small. At first, one should start with a small set of informatiom source, and then increase with time. The moment we identify the right source with proper entities and dependable attributes and domains, half the battle towards quality data governance is won. After finding the correct data source, you will be able to create a strategy to cleanse the derived data, build relevant and efficient standardization engines and create rules, that aid in assembling the right set of information. Alternately, you can rely on a technology partner to bring in domain expertise for standardization and cleansing.

Right sources act as the foundation of a company, as they attribute towards its success, while enhancing the performance of the MDM software solutions. However, finding sources which are relevant can be a difficult task, as the databases are filled with irrelevant data, their duplicates or contradicting information. Duplication is always an issue in data sources which concentrate on customer related information. At such situations, the information which appears on the sources maximum number of times is used. The larger the data, the larger the confusion as the amount of duplication is certainly variable. This is when the master data management software comes into play.

Using data profiling tools is the ideal method to tackle information quality issues, as it scans the available documents to determine the missing values, checks the incorrect values and finds those elements which violate the existing business rules. It also aids in estimating the time required for cleansing the available online files, while allowing you to carefully analyze its source to ascertain its reliability. However, data profiling tools can only be used when large amounts of data exist. So, if you want to make the most of your MDM software, then use reliable data. There are various means of deriving reliable data sources. However, the strategy used may change in terms of the system and the tools which are used along with it, since some tools are only applicable to specific applications. So the next time, no matter whichever MDM software you use, make sure that the data source you use is completely reliable.



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