Drug Abuse

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    Jan 19, 2013
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Drug abuse is not the innovation of the new, modern society. It has been found that drugs were used even in some primitive tribal communities as a part of their rituals hundreds of years ago. It is due to many factors, including your social environment and your emotional health. But today, people more than ever resort to this means of escape from reality. They have various reasons for doing that. It may be just curiosity, lack of confidence, desire to join the groups and to imitate others.

In my opinion people who take drugs are unsatisfied in many ways. They are usually victims of various kinds of misfortune. They consume drugs to cope with problems or to avoid feeling bad.  The number of people who need a way out of their personal problems grows and so does the number of people who turn to drugs. Those who suffer from a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety or biopolar disorder are particularly at risk, because drugs may be used to self-medicate. People may be more likely to abuse drugs or become dependent if they have easy access to drugs. Those at risk for developing drug abuse also include people who have low self-esteem, people who have problems with relationships and people who live a stressful lifestyle.

 Apart from its fatal effects on health, drug-addiction may have a lot of other bad social consequences. Drug-addicts are prepared to do anything to get hold of drugs when in crisis. That`s why the great number of them is involved in many criminal offenses. Drug abuse interferes with work, friendship, hobbies and other aspects of your life. Drug abuse destroys lives. It is a known fact that having a drug addict in a family can ruin what was once a loving family. Addiction to drugs will always be present unless something is done about it in a positive way.

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I love writing about various topics and I am interested in many things.

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