Get Your Small Business Online SEO Services from 99

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    Jul 08, 2014
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Get Your Small Business Online SEO Services from 99 Photo by Steve Willingham

“If you build it, they will come!” This might have worked in many movies, but doesn’t seem to work for a website. You launch your website with big expectations that it will have the phone ringing off the hook and instead, it goes down like the Titanic. Confusing? Let me explain…

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that an online presence is a vital business tool. Everywhere you go these days, business owners are begging you to like them on Facebook or to leave them a review on Yelp. But all these are only fruitful, when you invest in a better SEO strategy. For that, seek help of SEO services in Peterborough who offers great strategies starting from £99. Thinking, what’s this service include? Keep reading...

i. Analyse Whether SEO is right for you

Before embarking on an SEO strategy, it is crucial to ascertain whether this is in fact the right path for you. It’s simple to find this! SEO service provider in Peterborough start by drawing up a list of the phrases you think that people would type into a search engine to find companies in your sector.

ii. Website Structure

The design and content of your website, especially the home page, greatly affect the listing position with search engines. A well-designed site is easy to navigate, and information can be located quickly. Visitors will not hang around for long at a badly designed site, which means low conversion rates and reduced sales.

iii. Links

Search engine spiders give importance to the websites that have a link pointing to your site. The perfect link is one way link pointing at your site from a website that is relevant to your business and that is deemed important by search engines.

iv. Other form of Internet Searches

Nowadays, search engines allow you to search for videos, blogs, news and images amongst many others. The service provider just identify which of these could be used for your business to target customers.

v. Google Analytics

The company that offers great SEO services in Peterborough use Google Analytics to find the below factors of your website:

• The no. of visitors you’ve received on the given timescale
• The pages viewed by each visitor
• How long they were on your website
• The geographic location of the visitors
• The type of device they used to access your website, etc...

All these info are used to create a well established SEO strategy to rank your website.

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Want to get maximum online exposure for your small business? Get SEO services in Peterborough starting from £99 now.

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