Scrapbooking, A Hobby for the Ages

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    Nov 13, 2012
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Taking up Scrapbooking is a great not to mention meaningful hobby for both young and old, scrapbooking is a hobby that allows people to freeze frame memories in time for later revisitation. As time goes by, people tend to forget some of the memories that they help make in the name of a long dead family member or recently dead and scrapbooking is a way to frame those memories to be forever looked back on and remembered.

Young people often do scrapbooking because of a class project, older people usually do it to keep the memories of their grandchildren as well as their children preserved in amber because as I'm sure people are aware of the fact that our minds age and we tend to forget things like what happened last week or last year.

A significant reason why people do scrapbooking is because of the memories that they want to forever keep, prom, visit with grandma in the nursing home, first child being born, first birthdays, first dance formals and going away to college. Foundations on which memories can be created goes right into the scrapbook for preservation so that later on the family can look back on everything that's happened.

Scrapbooking is usually a hobby done in the comfort of a person's home or in some cases, it can be done on the road as well; a person likes to travel can gather pics of every place they've been to or going to like Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Golden Gate Bridge to name a few. Scrapbooking can be done anywhere at anytime. Scrapbooking isn't just all about family memories but its all about memories in general or whatever a person deems memory worth to go into the scrapbook, people who take up scrapbooking as a hobby never hurt for remembrance of days gone by because time wasted is time we can't ever get back but when you scrapbook those memories, they are there forever.

In conclusion, scrapbooking shouldn't be limited to just family memories but memories being made on the road as well if you're a person who travels from place to place; also good for family vacations to various locations as well. 

Author's Profile

Rick Samson loves working out and playing sports. He currently writes articles on Interesting Articles.

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