5 Key Resume Mistakes to Avoid

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    Nov 05, 2012
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Many people miss out on great job opportunities because they don’t take their time when creating their resume. Mistakes in a resume reduce the chances of being shortlisted for a job interview. Below are 5 key resume mistakes to avoid:

Long paragraphs- Due to the large number of applications, employers read through the resumes very fast.  Thus if the major points are stated in a paragraph, there is a high possibility that the employer will not see them. To avoid this, job seekers should use bullet points to present the information. This way the resume will be more fun to read and thus increasing the chances of being called for the job.
Incorrect information- Many people lie about their current job positions or previous experience in a bid to increase their chances of being employed. Job seekers should avoid telling lies in their resume no matter how desperate they are for the job. If the employer checks with the previous company, they will find out that one lied. Thus providing the wrong information puts one at risk of not getting employment. 
Personal and irrelevant information- The employer is interested in what one has to offer the company and not their personal life. Thus one should not give a history of their personal life such as family matters in the resume. Pictures should not be included unless the vacancy states so or it is a job in the modeling or entertainment industry.
Leaving out important information- All information that related to the profession requirements should be stated in the resumes. This includes training, work experience, skills and career attributes. All these is essential information that can increases the chances of being considered for a job.
Grammatical mistakes- Job applicants should proof read their resumes before submitting the application. One can ask a relative or a friend to go through it so as to ensure that it has no errors and it is easy to understand.

Author's Profile

Rick Samson loves working out and playing sports. He currently writes articles on Interesting Articles.

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