The Perfect Romantic Night In

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    Dec 20, 2013
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The Perfect Romantic Night In Photo by Rachel  Robinson

In today’s hectic world, sometimes the thing a relationship needs is a quiet, undistracted night at home. Going out is fun, but staying in gives you the chance to really reconnect. When planning a romantic night in, the best space for your event is the backyard gazebo. This unique area has everything you need to make the evening a success, without ever having to leave home.

Stay at Home and Get Away

A romantic dinner in the gazebo allows you to add an unexpected twist on an evening while remaining in a space that you’re familiar and comfortable with. You’ll be able to share a change of scenery with your spouse, while still enjoying the privacy of your own home. If you have kids, you won’t have to worry about farming them off to relatives or a babysitter in order to get some distance from them. They can stay home with a sitter, and you can still get a break. The distance between the gazebo and the house suddenly becomes a nice buffer, while still giving you close proximity to home sweet home.

The Element of Surprise

If you’re looking to surprise your spouse with your romantic night in, the gazebo is the perfect place for you to do this. You’ll be able to set up your venue and make sure everything is just right, and your spouse will be none the wiser. You can even start setting up the day before to give you time to add any finishing touches that you may have forgotten.

Your spouse will be pleasantly confused when you lead the way to the backyard, and then happily surprised when they see what you’ve got in mind. A romantic night in, staged in the gazebo, is the perfect surprise because it offers your spouse something out of the ordinary without them having to prepare at all.

Spicing Things Up

To add to the ambiance of your gazebo date, be sure to include a few unique touches that show how much thought you’ve put into the night. Some ideas are:

Bring your iPod and a portable speaker outside with you, loaded with a romantic playlist to set the mood.
Instead of eating with a table between you, move your meal to the floor and have a gazebo picnic. This will bring you closer together and keep things casual.

Use the soft lighting of candles and tea lights to allow the natural feeling of being outdoors to creep into your space.

Make your gazebo night a dinner-and-a-movie night by setting up a projector and screen. These things can be rented at some public libraries for a very small fee, or you can pick up an inexpensive projector and use a white sheet for the screen.

These and other personal touches will ensure that your romantic night in goes off perfectly in your backyard oasis.

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Sometimes your family's favorite memories occur within or around your own home. RST Outdoor offers beautiful outdoor furniture to help turn your patio and backyard into a place where your family will want to gather and spend time together.

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