People From Your Own Country Should Outsource In Their Own Country

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    Sep 06, 2012
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First I would just like to start with saying how do you get work from home when you do not live in places like India, phillipines etc. You would think that businesses would want to employ in there own country to help out their own people first. No! they want to employ workers overseas and why is that? Stay at home mums or dads want to work at home while willing to take lower pay to work at home, so they can spend time with their children. However since Businesses always go for people who will charge peanuts to do the work, then the stay at home mums and dads are unable to compete.

Having two special needs children, trying to find a way to stay at home and work, as i need to be here for one of my children. It is hard to find an employer that is willing to understand if you are wanting to take alot of time off. I do not think any Employer would be that understanding in a normal job situation. I am trying to find work from someone that is willing to give me the chance so I can stay at home for my children.

I have had a couple of jobs, the rest have been people trying to scam me. I do not want to do any type of commission work, I just want to get a legit work from home doing word processing or excel. How can you compete with overseas and be able to at least earn some extra income when you practically, no matter how low you go, Businesses still hire these companies of workers from within in asian type of countries.

I think we need to at least try and give people in there own back yard the chance to work at home as there are alot of mums and dads out there trying to do right by there children.

Having children with special needs is hard to try and get jobs. Once your Employer knows you are taking so much time off due to having to be there for them,It would make it impossible to find another employer to hire you based on the reference from the previous employer. All I want to do is give my children the best start in life.

The government do not help you in anyway and they either need you to have someway of getting a regular job that allows you to work at home if needed or they need to find someway you can get help to look after your children at home like when you have childcare.

Special need children cannot adapt, so going to work is a huge problem for them especially if they have high anxiety issues or have alot of time off from school. Your employer is just not going to accept that you are having that much time off work.

All we need is that chance to work from home and get the same consideration, even work for less pay when working at home instead of going into an office type environment. Australian Businesses that are looking for outsourcing their work should give Australian Stay at Home mums and dads a go as they are willing to get paid small amounts similar to the overseas workers.

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