Try Flower Shop Blogs for Gardening and Decorating Tips

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    Apr 17, 2013
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Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies. Gardeners all have tales of good and bad planting years and how they handled various garden problems. Gardeners often look for advice on how to make their flowers and plants grow. One place to look for free gardening, planting and decorating advice is on florists’ blogs. There are Boulder, Colorado flower shops that publish helpful gardening blogs that are worth a look. Wherever one gardens, some time checking flower shop blogs can introduce new ways of beautifying one’s yard.

With every season there comes something different to do in the garden. Some of the flower shop blogs offer handy seasonal gardening tips like when and how to mulch, and natural ways of fertilizing the soil. The blog posts may discuss soil and plant issues in a local area, and some other blogs offer general tomato growing or tree pruning advice, for example. There are even debates over if one should buy or grow one’s own tomato plants.

Pest control is a popular topic on flower shop blogs. People have battled pests in the garden since time immemorial and bloggers and readers freely share advice on how to eliminate beetles, cut worms, aphids, white moths, potato bugs and other common pests. The methods used range from pesticides to more plain solutions such as a spray bottle filled with soapy water. People also cover some plants with nets to keep out birds and deer. Often the comments sections on these pest control blog posts prove to be even more valuable than the posts themselves as they are chock full of information.

Flower shop blogs also offer off-season gardening tips. Posts in November can alert gardeners to the right time to plant bulbs. December blogs give people ideas on how to make their own wreaths and February is always a great month for flower shops to remind people to pick up some beautiful roses for their sweetheart. Fresh flowers always make a welcome gift, and readers can discover an array of choices when reading flower shop blogs. Some florists even discuss how they learned to arrange flowers, and talk about how they put together arrangements using orchids, lilies, tulips, daffodils and more.

Every spring gardeners look forward to getting outside and turning over the soil for a new garden year. Even the most experienced gardeners always look for new methods to solve some of their most vexing problems. From pest control, to removing rocks, testing soil pH and composting, to which plants grow best in sun and shade, there is a lot to know when planting a garden. Fortunately some florists willingly share their knowledge with the public through their flower shop blogs. Even if a person is not interested in gardening, these blogs make entertaining reading for anyone who wants to know more about nature.


Author's Profile

Pam Shrute is a gardening enthusiast. She writes about flowers in Boulder and floral accessories in Boulder. Her articles focus more on gardening ideas which are gleaned from Boulder Florist.

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