Perfecting your poker playing skills to be a better poker player and win more hands

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    Jul 15, 2013
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poker chips
poker chips
Photo by V1LL14N

Are you losing more money than you deposit and do you wish to become a better Poker player? I know how frustrating it can be to lose more than you win. In fact most poker players are like this. They only keep playing because they hope to some day even out their lost hands. If you truly wish to become a better poker player and win more hands than you lose then keep in mind the following 5 poker playing tips:


1. Don't play every hand

Beginner poker players usually play every hand even if they don't have good cards to start with. If you find yourself playing every hand despite the fact that you were dealt a lousy hand then fold. You probably want to play poker just for the sake of playing but think about it, if you were dealt a bad set of cards, is it really worth risking your money or perhaps it's smart to fold? Don't play for the sake of playing - play for the sake of winning!

2. Don't play under the influence

Be it alcohol or recreational drugs, don't ever play when you are under the influence. You might not realise it but you WILL make bad decisions even when you have only had a few drinks. It's not a coincidence that casinos serve free drinks to regular players, just think about it.

3. Don't play when not in the mood

Did something bad happen to you the other day and you can't get your mind off of it? A poker table is definitely not the place where you can relieve that stress. You will probably stress out even more if you lose a bunch of chips just because you couldn't make rational choices.

4. Pay attention to the cards on the table

When you first start out it's important to pay attention to the cards you are dealt but it's as important to pay attention to the cards on the table. In Texas Hold'em, figure out what the best possible hand would be for the flop. Make sure you notice flush and straight possibilities. In 7-card stud, pay attention to what is showing and what other players have folded.

5. Pay attention to other players

When playing it's important to keep an eye on your opponents even when you are not in a hand. For example if you see that one player folds at every re-raise, the other has a poker-tell when they bluff and someone always raises in certain situations you can easily use this information to your advantage.

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