Ways to Relieve Discomforts caused by Prostate Enlargement

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    Jan 17, 2013
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It's common for the prostate gland to swell after a man enters his fifties. The exact reason for this is still largely unknown, though age and genetics each have a role to play in prostate enlargement. The most common indication of prostate enlargement is excessive urination, which can turn out to be acutely embarrassing for many men. Surprisingly, the size of the enlarged prostate has nothing to do with the severity of the condition. Someone with a slightly expanded prostate may suffer from severe urinary flow problems and someone with significant enlargement may have no symptoms at all. For all those men going through prostate enlargement troubles, here are a few simple yet effective ways to get relief.

Ways to Relieve Discomforts caused by Prostate Enlargement

  • Urinate as soon as you feel the urge. Never hold back. Double voiding is a genuinely helpful technique that will reduce the number of bathroom trips. Urinate once, relax for a few seconds and then urinate again. This empties the bladder and saves you a trip or two!
  • Perform Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It will help you regain control over your bladder muscles and control urination.
  • Sitz bath is often used to manage prostate problems. Soaking in a tub of warm water can decrease swelling. Do it before bedtime for maximum benefits.
  • A supplement such as Super Beta Prostate Supplement is worth considering if you want to lessen your prostate problems. This product improves prostate function by stopping further swelling and easing urinary flow problems. Super Beta Prostate reviews indicate that hundreds of men have found this product to be an effective way to manage their prostate troubles.
  • Bundle up if it gets too cold. Plunging temperatures can increase urination.
  • Avoid using antihistamines and decongestants without the doctor's permission. They constrict the prostate problems, further intensifying your troubles.
  • Don’t sit in one place for too long. If your job involves sitting for a long stretch of time, take a break every hour and stretch yourself or take a stroll around. Prolonged sitting has been known to increase prostate swelling.
  • Restrict fluid intake before bedtime. Cut back on caffeine and alcoholic beverages. They stimulate the bladder and irritate the urethra.
  • It turns out that physical intercourse is actually beneficial for the prostate! Ejaculation empties the prostate and prevents fluid buildup inside the urethra and the bladder.

Visit your doctor once a year for a checkup and an annual prostate screening. Prostate enlargement isn’t life-threatening, but it can be downright exasperating for those who go through painful urinary flow problems. Keep in mind that you cannot reverse prostate enlargement, but adhering to the suggestions mentioned above can prove very helpful to get rid of the discomfort an enlarged prostate can cause.

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A supplement such as Super Beta Prostate Supplement is worth considering if you want to lessen your prostate problems.Super Beta Prostate reviews indicate that hundreds of men have found this product to be an effective way to manage their prostate troubles.

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