How Does an Enlarged Prostate Affect You

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    Jan 17, 2013
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Prostate enlargement is one of the most common conditions affecting nearly 33% of the male population over the age of 50. The prostate gland is a tiny walnut-shaped gland that sits below the bladder in the pelvic region. It surrounds the urethra, the duct responsible for transporting semen and urine out of the body. During adolescence, it doubles in size and then stabilizes till a man attains middle age when it again undergoes another growth spurt. At this juncture, the prostate can expand considerably and affect urination.

What happens when the prostate enlarges?

When the prostate expands, it puts pressure on the surrounding organs, namely the urethra and the bladder. A compressed bladder triggers the urge to urinate. But the problem arises when the urine cannot flow through the urethra, because the expanding prostate also constricts the urethra, obstructing the passage of urine through it. This turns into a vicious circle causing tremendous problems for an individual.

Here are the symptoms an enlarged prostate usually causes:

  • Excess urination, especially at night
  • A feeble and hesitant urine stream
  • Difficulty starting urination and maintaining a steady stream
  • Dribbling or leaking after the urine stream has ended
  • A sensation that the bladder isn’t empty even after urine stream has stopped
  • A feeling that you need to go urgently even though the bladder might be empty

These symptoms aren’t necessarily painful, but they can be extremely embarrassing and put men in a socially awkward situation. It's up to you to take good care of your prostate so you don’t have to experience the debilitating effects of prostate enlargement. Make smart food choices by eating more fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grain and foods high in zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Get moving! Exercise is vital, not just for the prostate gland, but for your entire body. Supplements such as Super Beta Prostate are a great boon for men suffering from an enlarged prostate. Beta Sitosterol, the main ingredient in this product has been clinically proven to alleviate suffering by binding to the prostate and stopping inflammation. Super Beta Prostate Supplement Review are ample testimony to the fact that this supplement is safe and has no side effects.

The likelihood of developing prostate enlargement increases with age. The other risk factor is heredity. If someone in your family had or has an enlarged prostate, your chances of suffering from the same increase twofold. If you're over 50, visit your doctor for an annual prostate screening. This will catch any abnormality in its initial stage and your doctor can guide you on the best possible course of action from letting it worsen any further. Think of an enlarged prostate as a reason to stay active and eat right, because a healthy lifestyle is your key to great health!

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Supplements such as Super Beta Prostate are a great boon for men suffering from an enlarged prostate. Super Beta Prostate Supplement Review are ample testimony to the fact that this supplement is safe and has no side effects.

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