Concerned about Advancing Age and your Prostate

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    Apr 22, 2013
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Concerned about Advancing Age and your Prostate Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

If you’re over fifty and worried about prostate gland, you’re at the right place. Most men are clueless about the significance of the prostate gland and unsure what to do when they’re saddled with a prostate problem, one of the most common medical conditions faced by men in middle age.
The prostate is a tiny gland in the pelvic region responsible for nourishing and protecting the sperm. As men age, this gland undergoes a growth spurt and continues to grow. Prostate growth doesn’t affect everyone, but men who experience a growing prostate can face problems with urinary flow. Here are some common symptoms of a growing prostate:

  1. Intense urge to urinate after every few minutes
  2. Leaking after urination
  3. Hesitancy while urinating and trouble starting and stopping the flow of urine
  4. An uncomfortable feeling that the bladder isn’t empty even after numerous visits to the bathroom
  5. Increased frequency of urination which worsens at night


If you’re experiencing any of the above signs, don’t delay visiting a doctor. Prostate growth could be the culprit; so it’s important that you take care of your prostate before your urinary troubles aggravate.

Tips for Prostate Care

  • Eat right! Don’t forget the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables. Cut back on animal products because they contain high amounts of saturated fat. Limit your consumption of alcoholicand caffeinated beverages as they can further intensify an aggrieved prostate.
  • Don’t overeat. Instead of three large meals a day, eat 4-5 smaller meals. Snack on fruits and nuts instead of chips and soda. Smaller portion sizes help you keep weight in check and are the best way to cut back on unnecessary fat and sugar.
  • Supplements like Super Beta Prostate Supplement can be extremely beneficial for men suffering from prostate problems. This supplement contains plant sterols in the right proportion that effectively reduce prostate and urinary problems by inhibiting prostate inflammation. It also contains zinc, copper, and selenium, essential trace elements that play a major role in nurturing the prostate. Super Beta Prostate reviews are evidence that it’s one of the best and most reliable prostate health supplements for men.
  • Exercise is another important factor for good prostate health. No matter what age you are and however busy you are, a few minutes of moderate exercise every day is a must. It improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, and keeps illness at bay. Plus, it controls weight gain, a risk factor for prostate disease.


These were some effective tips to take care of the prostate gland. If you notice any changes in your urinary flow, don’t take it lightly. Prostate conditions, if left untreated, can cause other major health complications and make life miserable. Live a smart lifestyle for a healthy prostate and lessen your worries in old age!

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Supplements like Super Beta Prostate Supplement can be extremely beneficial for men suffering from prostate problems.Super Beta Prostate reviews are evidence that it’s one of the best and most reliable prostate health supplements for men.

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