Secured Home Loans Versus Unsecured Home Loans

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    Dec 24, 2013
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Secured Home Loans Versus Unsecured Home Loans Photo by Aishwarya Mahurkar

Most of us require using the home loan facility when we wish to buy a place of our own. A home has always been more than just bricks and mortar put together for shelter; it is our symbol of love, family and prosperity. To ensure that our home is bought successfully and without any snags, a home loan is what comes into the picture. However, there are so many different finance options in the market today, that it’s become difficult to find the best. Knowing the various kinds of home loans  can help us make a better choice, and the best way to do that is to know about the two main categories that all the others fall under – Secured and Unsecured Home Loans.

This first kind, secured housing finance, is the best option for those that have a home or property that they can provide to the bank or institution as collateral. This property enables the bank to provide the customer a home loan without any worries  about repayment. This, in turn, ensures that the customer gets a home loan with a much lower interest rate than otherwise. With low EMIs thanks to low rates of interest, this can be the ideal solution. However, one has to ensure that the payments are always made on time and without any delays. Speak to the bank about the policies and terms before opting for this loan and ensure that you gain clarity on the entire process.

Unsecured home loans are quite the opposite. If one does not have a property to his/her name or does not feel safe handing it over as collateral, then they have a choice of opting for an unsecured loan. Financial institutions are slightly wary when providing this option and hence interest rates tend to be much higher. However, you can still obtain the finance for your dream home and with a good credit score, can do so without very high expenses. Make sure you compare several banks offering this variant of home loans and choose the one that’s the cheapest and most reliable.

People choose a secured or unsecured home loan based on their requirements and needs, finding the one that’s the most suitable for them. Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages; weighing both will help you find the perfect one for your situation. Ensure that you know exactly what you’re signing when you’ve finalized the bank of your choice. Read all the documents carefully, know everything about the home loan and only then make the final choice.

Author's Profile

Aishwarya Mahurkar is an experienced writer concerning the finance industry. Her articles help in informing her readers of the various kinds of home loans and the home loan without any worries.

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