A Step-By-Step Guide For A Home Loan Transfer

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    Aug 01, 2014
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A Step-By-Step Guide For A Home Loan Transfer Photo by Aishwarya Mahurkar

Most housing finance companies offer ahome loan balance transfer as a housing finance service. This has been available in the market for quite some time now. However, you need to do this smartly. You cannot rush into these decisions as they can turn out to be expensive. Therefore use this step-by-step guide to select the right financial service for you.

Step 1- Consider all the options available:

Most borrowers do not research the home loan transfers holistically. However, it is a new home loan after all. So, you need to take similar precautions. Check out the organizations offering this particular product because all the organizations don’t offer it. Then, identify the most beneficial one that will suit your requirements perfectly. Are you getting lower interest rates or a no-prepayment-charges clause in the home loan transfer? Find out.

Step 2 - Focus on your requirements:

Why do you need to opt for a home loan balance transfer ? What are your requirements that aren’t being met efficiently withthe current housing finance company? Are you earning more and need the loan with no prepayment charges? Or do you want to be offered lower interest rates that are available to new borrowers? Are you interested in the top-up loan for home renovation? When you make a clear list, you eliminate some organizations by default. You will only select the housing finance companies that serve the requirements you seek.

Step 3 - Watch out for loan details:

You will need to check out the terms and conditions of the home loan agreement. You need to look at it as a home loan rather than just a home loan balance transfer because you do go through the entire home loan process again. You need to meet their home loan eligibility criteria. You need to consider the housing loan offer along with its terms and conditions. This is not optional. It should meet your financialsituation too. Simply put, an ideal home loan transfer  will allow you to save more than the amount that you are spending on it, since you will spend on the legal fees, processing charges, credit score report, service taxes, etc. So, as long as you are profitable in this equation, it is a smart decision. If you are not profitable, you will have to say a “No.”.

Step 4 - Finalize the transfer:

If you are certain that you will be in a profitable situation, then you will need to obtain a NOC (No Objection Certificate) from your current lender. This is an additional document required for a home loan transfer. The submission of all the documents and signed application form will seal the deal. Though, you must realize that the NOC is non-negotiable and will not be issued by your current lender if you have defaulted any of your repayments. So, make this transfer swift by following up diligently for the same.

Author's Profile

Aishwarya Mahurkar is an experienced writer concerning the finance industry. Her articles help in informing her readers of the opt for a home loan balance transfer and the ideal home loan transfer sector.

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