My Thoughts, Beliefs and Suggestions on American Education

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    Sep 04, 2012
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There have been many ways to improve American education in grade K-12 presented and/or tried ever since public education began in America.  Most of them have fallen short of the goals set up and some of them failed outright.  Others have lingered without any benefits to the children's education but no one seems to care about doing away with them because they have nothing to replace them with.

I'm sure all my readers will agree that American education is insufficient for many of our children.  However, no one has come up with any really effective solutions.  I have a few thoughts on the subject and would like to air them in this article.  I have suggestions on how improved parenting can greatly help our American children.  Also, how educators can work hand-in-hand with the parents to get the children to reach their full potential.  Third I believe government plays a role in making sure all facets of our children's education for grades K-12 are funded as needed.  Government should also realize that without parents and teachers helping our children succeed no amount of funding will do the job.

Regarding parenting.  I wish that having children was taken more seriously by more parents.  I wish that more parents realized that every interaction with their children produces an effect.  Do you want a positive or negative effect?  Think about it.  Therefore, make sure that all or most of your interactions with your children are positive or at the least a learning opportunity for your children.  Some actions I would want parents to take are:

1.Set up at least a few times a week for children to be introduced to books and reading at a very early age.  Preferably during their infant stage. 
2. Talk to your children often.  Not "baby talk" but regular talk in a fun & playful way or in an "adult tone" when needed.
3.  Prepare them for Kindergarten.  Make sure they know their letters and some numbers. 
4. When your child begins daycare, preschool or kindergarten make sure you communicate with the caregivers or educators to make sure your child is progressing as s/he should.
5.  Be very, very objective with any feedback you are given about your child's progress, needs or behaviors.  Don't become defensive.  Don't be afraid to ask how can you help with your child's progress.
6. Do not coddle your child.  That is not love.  Love is to love your child unconditionally, to give your child encouragement and support when needed and to correct bad behavior when needed also.

I realize that many Moms work outside the home as I did when my children were in there formative years and beyond, but along with bringing money into the house also remember to keep love, understanding, structure and learning in the home. 

Educators should understand some things also.

1. All children do not learn in the same way.  Pay attention to your students.  Listen to your students and their parent(s).
2. If the parent(s) do not communicate with you about their child, then see what other avenues might be out there to help the child.
3. Recognize if this is not the profession you want to be in.  You could do more harm than good for the children if you don't want to do this job.
4. Give all children positive feedback when deserved.  All children do something good sometimes.

Government agencies from local to federal can help a whole lot by making sure funding is there when needed.  One thing I have noticed government spokespersons doing when recommending how to improve American education has been very troubling to me.  I have never heard one of these people say that the parents should be more involved in their child's education.  I wonder why this is?

So I say, when a government funds a program it is only 1 leg of the 3 legged stool.  The funding plan should include representatives from government, educators and a place for parent participation.  Parents should be given functions to help their child succeed.

Also, I'm totally against standardized tests set up by any government because this makes the teachers "teach to the test".  This prohibits getting a well-rounded, educated child.  Too much time is spent in classrooms instructing students on areas of a standardized test so they will do well and make the schools look good.

Another reason against standardized tests is that many students can't do well on written tests.  Their brain doesn't function that way.  So we must consider these students if we are to say "We will have no child left behind".

So in closing, parenting is the base that all education springs from.  Do your job parents.  Love and care for your children well.  They don't need the latest and greatest toy (if you can afford it), they need to know learning is important to you and for them to succeed in life.  Get them to the local library.

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