Information Technology

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    Sep 23, 2012
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Information Technology  has evolved as one of the most powerful science in today’s world and has contributed for the development in the field of computers and telecommunications by leaps and bound. Basically Information Technology deals with the  study, design, development, application and implementation of computer-based information systems. However, every other sector including business, banking and finance, media and entertainment, education and sports have some influence or utilize the  benefits from   the resources of the Information Technology. IT has a valued potentiality and has contributed significantly in daily human lives.

It has marked its existence as a strong contributor in the development of a society and a country and eventually a better world. Already new and greater inventions and facilities have been realized and more are still coming. The once so called impossible experiments have been already a past behind us. IT is the reason behind such a brilliant development in the field of communication that has turned the whole world as a single global village. The advantage of IT has eased the human lives more efficiently, be it at home or office or anywhere else.  

The area of IT is vast and they include satellite and mobile communication ,outsourcing, e-commerce, clinical research,  weather analysis, finger printing analyzing ,telecasting, hardware  and software networking  and many more. There are wide range of IT field both academically and professionally. Moreover, As an academic course IT is one of the most popular subject among the college students. IT professional has a good reputation socially and even financially the job has a good benefits that’s why many students prefer to opt for IT course.

IT is one of the prominent field which has contributed for the development of a society and a nation efficiently .The study of IT should be encouraged in school and college .These days various college and Institute runs the academic as well as professional IT Training course. IT professional is one of the valuable human resource and their contribution is significant for a nation. No doubt IT Training and skills can be regarded as an asset.

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More specifically ,Various Programming languages and IT courses such as PHP, Java, C++,.Net, ,wordpress, Joomla, Web Design and web development and SEO are creating a buzz around the IT area . IT sure is a field or an area of science with a great worth.If you wish to know more about the related subject then you can visit our link: Computer Training in Nepal

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