House Wiring During Monsoon

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    Jun 06, 2014
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House Wiring During Monsoon Photo by Ashish  Poly

Monsoon is soon to arrive, in fact in many places it has already arrived. A beautiful weather loved by all, is a great relief from the long sunny days. People have started buying rain proof shoes, clothes, rain-coats etc., to protect themselves from the rain water and simultaneously enjoy the beautiful rains. How about rain-proofing your homes this rainy season for the safety of your family? It is equally important to ensure that your house is rain proof, because there are high chances of electrical accidents during rainy season. Here are some effective tips on house wiring this rainy season to keep your home and family safe.

Electrical house wiring is an integral part of a safe home. People often take care about the exterior beauty of their home, and ignore the use of quality wires to save some extra bucks. If good quality wires are not used the chances of Short circuit rises during rainy season, that can lead to fire. It is highly recommended to use quality wires that are verified and tested by a trusted company. It is also necessary to check on the electrical wiring just before the start of monsoon. This gives enough time to the qualified electricians to replace the damaged wires with the new ones and ensure that the house is waterproof and safe.

Make sure that the area around the electrical circuit or switch board is dry. There are times, if the walls are not well-maintained the rain water comes in through the wall and damages the area around the switch board. This makes the area wet or damp making it dangerous and shock prone. It is important to check on the quality of walls and house electrical wiring, to keep your home and family safe. If you think the area around the switch board is wet, do not touch the switch board or insert any electrical appliance, without wearing rubber gloves or Chappals. This will ensure that you do not come in direct contact with electricity and face a life threatening shock.

For effective house wiring solutions during monsoon, read up on the internet or meet an expert from this field. It is important to learn quick tricks to tackle electrical problems during rainy season for quick fix. However, this does not mean you can completely rely on those small tricks. They are just a temporary solution, it is of utmost importance to get the problem fixed by an expert for the long-term safety of your home and your family.


Ashish Poly is an expert in electrical house wiring. His immense knowledge and love for spreading the same for the safety of people is clearly reflected in his articles.

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