Teenagers and Travelling

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    Jan 19, 2013
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Some teenagers like to travel with their friends. On the other hand, some teenagers prefer traveling with their parents. One advantage is that you get to know your friends better while you travel with them. Another point is that you share the same interests with your friends (music, sports, entertainment). This means you have a plenty of common things to talk about and you are never bored. On top of that, your friends have more energy than your parents and you can do a lot of things together. However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you feel more secure when you are with your parents. Moreover you are more relaxed and you don`t have to worry about paying bills, shopping and etc. Finally, parents are usually kinder towards their kids while they are on holiday.

In conclusion, some teenagers dream about having holiday with their friends because of adventures. In my opinion, going on holiday with your parents can be pleasant and amusing as well. Family holidays can be a very nice experience if all members of the family choose their holiday`s destination wisely. They have to explore each possible destination, so that everyone`s vacation expectations will be met. If parents let their children help plan the journey, they will feel more involved and the family vacation will start out on the right foot. Both children and adults must respect each other during the trip. They have to remember that keeping the peace will make their vacation much more enjoyable. Everyone can choose the activities he/she likes.

For instance, adults can visit museums, churches and explore the town. They can also do souvenir shopping.  Children can go to amusement parks and to the beach. The most important thing is that parents must give their teenagers space. For example, if their rent a vacation home they have to make sure that their teen has his/her own bedroom. Teenagers love their privacy, and feel more like the adults they want to be when they have their own room. Young people sleep more than adults and parents should let them sleep. If parents want to make the most of their vacation they can use the time that the teens are still in bed to revisit an attraction or to buy all sorts of mementos.

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I love writing about various topics and I am interested in many things.

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