How to Control Pests in the Workplace

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    Jun 03, 2014
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If you are like most people, you work pretty hard to keep pests out of your home, and while that is obviously important, it is just as important to keep them out of your business. It does not matter whether you are trying to protect the health of your employees or that you do not want to make a poor impression on your customers, pest control is a must for all kinds of businesses.

- Seal It Up: Just as you want to take care of any cracks or gaps outside your home to prevent easy entry for pests, you will want to do the same for your business. Walk all the way around your building, paying careful attention to areas around doors and windows. If you do find any spots that seem like a natural invitation for pests, be sure to seal them immediately with caulk or expanding foam.

- Drainage Matters: Pests of all different kinds love water sources because it is necessary for survival. If your drainage is not what it should be near your building, you could be creating an oasis for both insects and rodents alike. If you think you have drainage issues, you may want to call in a landscaping contractor to help.

- Pay Attention to Garbage: There are all kinds of garbage issues, no matter what your industry. If you are in the food industry, your trash will attract pests pretty naturally. Even if much of your garbage, though, is boxes or paper related, you could still attract pests looking for a solid home. Make certain the garbage area is cleaned out every single week, and you may even want to go as far as power washing the area on a regular basis.

- Break Room Cleanliness is Important: If you have a break room where employees eat on a regular basis, you need to make sure it stays fairly clean. If that does not fall under your employees’ responsibilities, you may want to make certain your maintenance team knows to keep it as clean as possible. If you keep food for your employees, ensure it remains in sealed containers wherever possible, and take care of spills as often as you can. And make it a point to stress, “NO FOOD AT YOUR DESKS”, this is the number one reason for pests in the office space.

- Think Landscaping: Remember that some pests might be attracted to your building if you are not careful with your landscaping. You’ll want to keep any tree branches and shrubs well trimmed and well away from the building. Keep your lawn well maintained too, or hire a service to handle it for you.

One of the best things you can do is hire the right pest control service to help keep rodents and insects from entering your company. Make sure, however, that they specialize in commercial pest control to get the best possible results for your company.

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