How to Keep Skunks off Your Property

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    Jan 28, 2014
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Skunk. Just the hearing the word will make you run for cover somewhere that you cannot get hit with that awful spray. You do not want these animals on your property getting comfortable. You do not want to deal with that scent at all, and if you have pets, you need to make sure there are no skunks around because curious pets often fall victim to skunks.

Skunks can create a real mess, so the key is to keep them off of your property in the first place. Wondering how you can do just that? These tips can help.

Figure Out What They Want

Skunks are just like any other creature. They want food, water, and shelter to survive. The chances are good that they’re coming to you for at least one of those. If you can learn more about what it is that they want, you can learn how to keep them out. For example, you may be a good source of food if you happen to leave your compost bin open, your trash cans accessible, or pet food out on an overnight basis. Even your pet’s water dish can serve as the perfect bait for a skunk.

Make Your Property Inhospitable

You don’t want a skunk family creating a den on your property, as that can be nothing short of frustrating and difficult to get rid of. Make sure you don’t have any great sites to build a den. Wood and rock piles should be eliminated as best as possible. If you have an elevated shed, make certain creatures can’t get under there to create a home. You’ll also want to reexamine openings under concrete slabs and porches or access to your crawl space, as all of those can also make a great place for a skunk to live. Where it’s possible, screen those spaces off or fill them with something so a skunk can’t get in.

Call Pest Control Professionals

If you do have a skunk problem on your hands, you’ll want to get in touch with local Arkansas pest control professionals as soon as possible. Angering a skunk, as you probably know, is not the best idea. In fact, a spray to the face can be quite dangerous. If your property is particularly attractive to skunks, they could wander in and even become trapped in something like a window well, creating a serious issue. They could also turn rabid, creating a more serious danger. Calling in a pest control professional as soon as you realize there’s a problem is an absolute must.

The right pest control professional can not only help you eliminate any skunks you currently have on your property, but they can also help you understand what it is about your property that is so attractive, ensuring you’re able to keep them out in the weeks and months to come.

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