A Review on Facial Implants

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    Feb 24, 2014
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Photo by Zenspa1

Facial implant is an important form of cosmetic surgery implemented to alter a person’s facial contours in order to obtain a better balance to facial features.

Implants are preferred by people when they feel that their cheek or chin does not look good. People prefer cheek implants when their cheeks look flat or sunken whereas chin implants are made when people feel that their chin is too small. Implants are made with the help of human tissue or with synthetic materials such as polythene or silicone.

Considerations before surgery:

Finding the right cosmetic Surgeon in Manhattan:

- Make sure that the surgeon is certified and experienced
- It is good to contact the surgeon’s previous patients and get their feedback

Health Concerns:

Doctors will examine your body and past records before fixing your surgery. You will be informed about possible complications after the surgery to make sure that you are up for it. The physician will also ask you about any drug or anesthetic you are allergic to.

Preparation before surgery:

It is important to prepare before any surgery. Before even considering facial implants doctors will expect the patient to stop smoking and may prescribe you a few medicines. The doctors may also need you to have a restricted diet before the surgery.

Operational Procedure:

The doctors will select the best anesthesia suitable to your body

Cheek Implants:

- Incision may be done through the eyelid or through the inside portion of the upper lip to form a pocket
- The implant is inserted through the pocket
- Stitches or metal screws hold the implant at the intended place
- The incisions are cleared by using dissolvable stitches

The above steps will be completed in about 30 to 45 minutes.

Chin Implants:

- Incision is made through the inside portion of the lower lip or on the underside of the chin
- For tissue implants the bone of the chin is cut and moved forward and fixed with metal plates and screws
- For synthetic implants, the implants is fixed at the right position and incision is closed

Tips for a speedy recovery:

- Follow your surgeon’s instructions on taking care of the wounds
- Eat soft food to allow your mouth wounds get healed quickly
- Despite irritation or swelling never touch the wound by hand
- Use a mouthwash rather than a tooth brush to ensure hygiene and less stress to your mouth.
- On severe pain or unusual symptoms report to your surgeon

Having a great face and offering a bright smile impresses all people on earth. Backed up with a good success rate and long lasting results facial implants can certainly brighten one’s life.

Author's Profile

The author has an immense knowledge on cosmetic Surgeon in Manhattan. Know more about cosmetic Surgeon in Manhattan related info in his website http://www.drguida.com

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