Xbox 720, the Future of Gaming

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    Nov 22, 2012
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Xbox fans are anxiously anticipating the formal announcement of the launch of a new gaming system.  The Xbox 720, as fans are already calling it, may not be announced for some time yet, but that hasn't stopped the rumor mills from turning out guesses at games and features.  While some may be wishful thinking, others are likely to be true, and gamers are thrilled.

Microsoft has hinted at a late 2013 launch of the new console, which is likely to be sleeker and smarter than its predecessor, and will provide more than just gaming.  It will probably feature Bluray and a DVR, and is designed to be the only box needed in the living room, offering movies, music, and more.

Sources say that the processing power of the Xbox 720 will be six times as powerful as its predecessor, the 360.  This would certainly bring more power to the gaming experience.  It would also make it the most powerful of the three leading consoles currently on the market, beating out the Playstation 3 and even the upcoming Wii U.

Of course, many gamers are more interested in the more in depth graphics and more realistic gaming experience, and Microsoft are not likely to disappoint.  Already, there are talks of a Halo 5 game and open world action adventure game 'Watch Dogs' being released around the same time as the console itself.  Gaming critics believe the amazing graphics displayed in the Watch Dogs demo indicates that they are designed for a new generation console capable of providing better, more realistic graphics than consoles currently available, and more similar to those produced on high end PCs.

With the new Xbox 720 will also come a second generation Kinect, and likely many new games to accompany it.  The Kinect will also likely be more integrated with the control of the console, although handheld controllers will still be used.

With a release date likely to coincide with next year's holiday shopping season, gamers have plenty of time to get themselves on Santa's Nice list, in hopes of receiving what is surely set to be the new future of in home gaming consoles.

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