Payroll program helps graduates join a growing field of professionals

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    Mar 04, 2014
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Payroll program helps graduates join a growing field of professionals Photo by Natalie Carrigan

According to the Canadian Payroll Association, Canada has 1.5 million employers pay $860 billion in wages, benefits and many other types of remuneration. They complete such big transactions with the help of payroll professionals. Join the thousands of workers in this growing field by enrolling in the Payroll Management(2725) program at Centennial College.

“It is 50% courses supplied by the Canadian Payroll Association but taught here at Progress campus, and 50% programs developed by Centennial College,”Alan Dryden, Certified Accountant and Professor at Centennial, describes of the program.

This graduate certificate program involves payroll courses like payroll compliance, payroll systems, and pensions and benefits to train students to become experts in their field. Additionally, courses on accounting and human resources are important areas in payroll that must be understood to be able to process the functions required on the job. Here are some of the learning outcomes embedded in the curriculum:

  • In-depth knowledge of complex levels of benefits, especially with the legislation and government policies surrounding payroll; focus will be on pension plans, retirement income, insurance plans, and individual and group benefits
  • Ability to define, plan, and implement compensation strategies to increase employee motivation and satisfaction, to help retain the best workers and increase productivity in the workplace
  • Knowledge of pay rates in the market to ensure pay equity within the industry, through research and compliance with pay equity legislations
  • Capable of developing an organization’s balanced scorecard through proper measures of performance
  • Demonstrate knowledge of core payroll concepts in computer programs, including  SIMPLY Accounting, ACCPAC and the SAP system

“One of the key advantages of this program is that graduates will have exposure, not only to the technical aspects of payroll, but they will also have a broad understanding of the management processes around payroll and compensation, and be able to step into the organization (and understand and work with other departments such as accounting),” describes Dryden.

Students will enjoy the benefits of learning relevant content from each class, but will also relish in the benefits that Centennial provides for them:

  • Practical experience is gained through exercises and use of current industry software, such as the SAP application, which is widely used in many organizations.
  • Students are eligible to become certified in the Payroll Compliance Practitioner (PCP) from the Canadian Payroll Association (CPA), once they join and comply with the industry group’s terms.
  • Centennial graduates successfully landed jobs as payroll professionals, as well as members of the accounting department in various industries.

Higher education in the payroll profession can be easily completed within one year with Centennial’s postgraduate program. Interested learners must be a college or university graduate to apply to the Payroll Management program. However, determined individuals with partial education and substantial work experience in a related area are welcome to register for the program as well.

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Jason White wrote this article on the Payroll Management Course as a summary of Centennial’s offering, which includes an interview with the professor, course expectations, and ending with program requirements. 

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