Obtain a College Education in an Inclusive Environment

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    Dec 16, 2013
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Obtain a College Education in an Inclusive Environment Photo by Jason White

Obtaining a Toronto Education can be an exciting opportunity for a range of reasons. For students who grew up in the city, it is a chance to get to know fellow residents with whom they may not have interacted before. Meanwhile, for students from other Canadian cities or other countries, it is an opportunity to be immersed in one of the most multicultural cities in the world.

At Centennial College, the multiculturalism of the city is perfectly reflected. In fact, the institution is known as one of the most culturally diverse campuses in Toronto. The college recognizes that international students may be worried about fitting in. As such, it does everything it can to foster an inclusive environment. Here are some of the steps Centennial College has taken in securing a positive atmosphere that takes diversity into account at all levels.

Safety: Centennial College has a zero tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment or hate on campus. The college supports everyone's right to study and participate.

Curriculum: Curriculum and instruction offers are range of knowledge, perspectives and experiences. As such, students learn to recognize different forms of discrimination and understand the factors that cause inequity in society.

Accessible Opportunities: Centennial College strives to identify and remove institutional barriers that prevent access and impede student success. That's why teaching and student services both demonstrate equity and inclusion.

Evaluation: As continuously moving forward is essential to the college, it strives to critically analyze and research current diversity practices, evaluate effectiveness by tracking progress, analyze what is working well and determine how it can best improve.

Policies and Practices: Even in terms of hiring staff members, Centennial College strives to implement bias- and barrier-free recruitment, selection, hiring and promotion at all levels. It also ensures that employees' skills and knowledge are respected, valued and used appropriately.

Equity and Diversity Training: Ongoing training and staff development builds understanding and ensures that equity and inclusion are central. The school also recognizes and rewards initiatives that support diversity, equity and inclusion.

Accessible and Inclusive Communication: Program, service and curriculum promotion all include diversity while college communication is respectful, and information is accessible and widely available.

Engagement with Diverse Communities: The college actively strives to develop meaningful relationships with diverse communities in order to encourage their fullest contribution to, and participation in, its activities and consultations.

Partnerships: Centennial College looks to cultivate relationships that enhance its values and offer domestic and international opportunities to prepare students to work in a global and diverse marketplace.

Commitment: Resources to support the work of employees, students and partners in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion are offered by Centennial College.

Author's Profile

In her piece, Emma tackles the issue of diversity and inclusiveness at Centennial College by looking at the active efforts the school makes in those respects. She notes partnerships and equal hiring practices as two of them.

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